De natura eRepublica

Day 1,860, 05:39 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

De natura eRepublica

De natura eRepublica ( of the nature of eRepublik)

This is a game, obviously ( well, not so obvious for so many people
who *need* this game as a dose of Real Life self-esteem). Secondly,
it's a game played by gamers, who, in average, are not 60 years old, but
20. Averages are not significant many times. If I have 100 pounds and you have 0
pounds, the average is 50 pounds but you have no money. But, the vast majority
of eRepublik players clobber around somewhere around the 20s years old. So we
may have just a 10% of players beyond 34, and just another 10% of players below

Relevant characteristics of young people may be these:

1.- Young people is intelligent ( more intelligent than older one). So they can
be taught very easily and fast. If the enough information is provided to them,
they can get it and assimilate.
2.- Young people tends to leave and try new things. So their degree of
attachment is rather low, confirmed by poor erepublik retention.

3.- Young people has different values than older people. They tend to
be more sociable, more friendly, but more insecure, so they tend to
join a group and stick to it.

4.- Young people can easily be manipulated and cheated, well, more
easily. They lack the experience and they tend to think the world is a
pink place with iphones, well, with Androids too. Anyway, they don't
have the bitter (and more accurate) grey-brown views of the middle aged

Political consequences derived from the nature of youth:

1. If young people are met with respect and dealed with respect, and
they're spoken as peers, they will excel and they'll help solve
problems ( like the one about being rank 29 ). This is one of the
strong points of New Era. Respect is not about letting young people
run for congress, but to acknowledge that their views, ideas or aims,
if defended logically, are of the same value and quality that views,
ideas of the "sacred cows" of the party. The only requirement is
intelligence and logic. This is New Era.

2. A high percentage of the newcomers will just leave. They'll leave
sooner if they're not allowed to test new things. If our policies
(like taxes) or wars are always the same or boring MORE people will
leave. Because young people wants new things, not stagnant things.

3. It's important that a community is provided to young people, and
they feel part of the group. In this regard, ingame "fun" (instead of
IRC "fun" or forums "fun") will help to make people stay in the
game. Attitudes too harsh towards closed communities will reject many
gamers (which are mostly young), and, IRC is not the most popular
thing these days, forums are a bit more popular. An ingame community
is essential, and fostering media a must. About the loyalty of young
people, it's something we see every day in some "boring" parties. It's
important to be loyal, but to the people that deserves loyalty.

4. Manipulation happens when youngsgters follow blindingly a
"leader". This is something it can be used, and it's used, by some
parties that require blind obeyance to their leaders. It's our
responsability, and in New Era we exert such responsability, to hamper
any cheating or manipulation. We try to make people think logically
and draw their own ideas. No blind guidance.

So basically this is the plan of New Era. Empowering the bulk set of
average young erepublik players so we get the most of them and of the
game: more fun, more possibilities, growth, excitement, chances and

Dr. Hugh's


James Scarlet:

Dr Hugh's:
