DC for DC

Day 764, 17:52 Published in USA USA by Dodgercatcher

Hello. This will be short and sweet since I have absolutely no time to write this now.

I am the current Deputy Secretary of State - Europe, USWP Communications Director and Co-Director of the Political Action Committee, Boss/Leader/Director of the Interstate Highway System Anti-PTO group, Clerk of the eUSA Federal Courts, four term Senator (currently to Kentucky), and Former PP of The Awesome Party (two times) among other things.

I am extremely active, helpful, and hard-working. I'm not afraid to go against what I think isn't right in Congress and Government. I try to help those that aren't as fortunate as me and will help you if you PM me. I have run for Congress ten times, this election will be my eleventh.


Unlike many other candidates all over the country I want the best for you. Being in the District of Columbia or any other state that is not California or Florida is a waste of an eLife. Contact me and I will get you on the right track if you want. If you want to stay in DC then I encourage you to vote for me on Christmas if you'll be around (trust me I don't want to get on either but it's a couple extra clicks at the most).

Yours Truly,
DC - Candidate for DC Senator and Extremely Proud USWP Member