Days of Blunder The WHS Terms

Day 3,154, 05:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

There is a mad man that walk our aisles his name Winston. Now to take us back to the supposed masterplan that apparently his administration leaked after I was no longer part of that administration we would wait for Lithuania to hand us back a few regions and then the whole alliance that we were not a part of would strike on our behalf.

Imdeed ,Masterfool planning . Because our own contribution would be basically my soldiers. The 5 or 6 member subbranch of clerics that I joined Bulgaria for to keep supplying them. The planned 60 days trip quickly going haywire as the work taxes was more in Bulgaria. Me hoping that our government could help out for a few weeks so that i could keep on supplying and working on a basically 0% income basis for 60 days. Government refusing any help point blank and firing me for refusing to fight any longer not supplied as of course government wanted every soldier but didnt want to pay for every soldier.

TBH there was no way they could be successful the poor fools. Even in an earlier term where WHS wanted me removed as MOD I pointed out that Ireland needed a stronger supplied army.

The reason i am sharing this is to point new citizens to a basic principle of all online games which is flexibility or the ability to adjust to changing circumstances.

Me moving overseas was to adjust my supplies to my requirements. Me staying there was because now that I got no government help I could counter my predicament by extending my stay .

WHS could not have countered his predicament. Losing your only supplier because you dont want to spend a few thousand dollars and would rather stick to outdated methodologies and concepts was the utmost betrayal of your post and the people of Ireland.

Ireland was stuck in the mud and we implemented new policies to raise the irish Army out of its slumber to supply those soldiers that needed supplies and to stop harmful politics that was dominating the rule of the country but yet contributed nothing outside of politics. And whose every policy and decision was tearing Ireland to shreds.We also took the treasury and made it a tool to be used rather than bait for dishonest players.

Democracy is a solid concept but if you have to sacrifice basic concepts for the betterment of the country one must.

But the real reason behind this article is to ask WHS whether:

Winston would you like some sausage