Day two: Welcome to the jungle

Day 1,461, 19:12 Published in USA USA by JohnGreenetherealone

'We have fun and games...
Fun and games. "Hell yea, turn the radio up!" yelled one guy. Twang. Shit. "The hell was that!?" Tw-BOOM. The chopper was going down.
I saw Serbs. Everywhere. I pulled out my pistol. "REMEMBER THE EAST, TAKE DOWN THE BEAST!" I screamed. They looked at me. Five rounds. Four. Three. Two... One. Five down. One shot, one kill. "Let's do this shit." One guy said, tossing a knife. "Thankye." His eyes curled over. I kissed his forehead, and covered his eyes. "Rest in peace." I said, pressing my necklace to his forehead, then shoulders, then chest. I ran, and stabbed a man. I took his dog-tags. The only dog-tags I will disgrace. I thanked him for his involuntary treason. I waited for them to think I was dead. A pond was nearby. I cleansed myself of my blood, vomit, and piss as best I could. I put the man's clothes on. "Serbia, I'm ready." I went back. Columbia Metro? I hid there as the aero-technician I posed as. I was lucky I had some knowledge on Jet repairs. I felt evil, helping my enemy. I am not saying I didn't sabotage that. Shit, a guard's walking by the barracks. Научио сам неке Српској од пријатеља, ратног заробљеника који се побунио против већине других Срба. Постали смо пријатељи, и почели смо да сања да је убио других. Phew. Can't let them know my identity. Hell, if anyone finds this, I'll be happy if they care. If any of you boys grow up under the Serbian rule, remember... The east. Down with the beast. I stole a bike, and forged a signature. Made sure I could escape to Brazil. Went to the Amazon.'
The rest of the page is slightly rotted with jungle growth and humidity took it's toll.


me. I do not
pity. It is
weak. If you
pity me.