Day #939: all quiet on the eastern front?

Day 939, 11:06 Published in Serbia Serbia by Ilija Bozic
I sat down at my desk and grabbed my diary. I pondered for a moment and then started writing.

After the last attack on Liaoning things had quickly returned to normal. We were mainly busy training thus Headquarters sent us a new instructor; Lana. At first we thought it would be interesting to train with Lana, as looks can be deceiving. But as it turned out that she couldn't teach us anything useful, mainly Tai Chi and Aerobics, we soon returned to our usual field exercises. Rumour has it that a new managing assistant, Alice, will soon be sent to improve the local weapon factories. But regardless of her appearance, we're not that excited anymore. The cost of Lana's shampoo and eyeliner has had a severe impact on our budget and the guys are rather annoyed by that.

Yesterday we had a day off. We visited one of the nearby lakes for some singing, dancing and drinking. Our succesul resistance had preserved much of the beautiful nature the EDEN warmachine had tried to destroy. We had a great party with the locals to celebrate our victory.

They sure know how to party here!

Our day off had helped us wash away the defeat against Ghana. Luckily we were cheered up by the defeat of Spain in their intense match against Switzerland. As the time passes by we feel more than ready for our next mission. After the daring move from our Russian brothers, shelling the Finnish, Chinese and American borders, we had expected the enemy leaders to step up to their word. Instead we received more time to enjoy the nature, sharpen our tactics and bolster the defences. Our unit decided to send a card back home to Belgrade as they probably haven't heared from us in a while:

Yes, it's fairly quiet here.

Suddenly Go-Run came running into my room. 'Ilija, grab your gear, we're going to liberate France!' I heared the truck engines firing up and a helicopter approaching our base. Our prayers had been answered; time to strike!