Day 862, Candidates, Policy's, Voting and more!

Day 862, 02:39 Published in Australia Australia by James Rellori
Quote Of the day

“The next time they give you all that civic bullshit about voting, keep in mind that our worst prime ministers was elected in a full, free democratic election”


The candidates this election are...

Corey Blake

Past Prime Minister Patti11

Xavier Griffith

Policy's of Patti11

I earlier had a interview with him before. What i asked is in bold

First, Quoted "I publish articles informing those who do not use the forums and IRC of what is going on and am willing to hold emergency Senate meetings if need be" Will you do what is in the citizens best interest.

Of course, If elected it will be by the people, and thus for the people. However with that being said, I am elected to make the split second choices aswell in the best interest of Australia if need be, and will not be afraid to make those decisions.

Quote "More transparency in the media (when possible) on why we are fighting, top soldiers from last battle etc" Does that mean that the press will be informed about why we are in this war?

It does, I think the government should be providing the basic facts about a war to its citizens, while keeping in mind not everyone uses forums or IRC.

"No concrete figures on the amount of weapons for soldiers, weapons based on importance of battles, not empty promises." Are you going against the way corey blake is going when saying this?

Yes of course, its highly irresponsible to run with this policy of "3 weapons for offensive wars...5 weapons for defensive wars". I think Corey needs to realise that war isn't black and white, and their are many factors that need to be taken into account including the importance of the battle, how hard our opponents are going and the status of the government stockpile of weapons.

Is it ture that a debate will be on at 0100 Day 863?


About Xavier Griffith, What do you think of him?

I am good friends with Xavier, and wish him luck in the elections. If Xavier beats me Australia will be in good hands regardless.

and one last question, Will you be avlable for discussion about the debate after it?

yes will mate

Then thanks for your time, and see you there

Stay tuned as i try to get a interview from the two others and also my thoughts from after the debate.


Dont Forget to vote in the upcoming ellection

“Anything important is never left to the vote of the people. We only get to vote on some man; we never get to vote on what he is to do.”