Day 809 - We All Fall Down

Day 809, 19:24 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

When you buy your weapons, I encourage you to buy them from Coda's company here: SPP Weapons. She has many prizes to deliver the CAF and every purchase helps her give generously.

To start off my article, I want to congratulate jbdivinus on his election win yesterday! I also want to congratulate Chamrajnagar for a campaign very well run and for almost pulling out a suprise win. In the event of JB winning, I am now eCanada's Minister of Defence and I will work my hardest to improve eCanada and continue to inform the country through these articles.

Now on to war. No matter how much Dishmcds or the eUK claim that this war is "helping them" or they are happy we invaded, it is clear they are lying and it is only a matter of time before the eUK no longer exists. Today, Norway with their 4 MPPs region swapped with Canada into Scotland and then subsequently attacked Northern Ireland. The eUK, wanting to take Norway out of the war decided to retreat their region, showing a clear lack of respect for both Scotland and Northern Ireland, despite the "strategical" advantage they are said to have gained. Now, eUK is down to 6 regions and allied forces are closing in on the final 6 regions: Yorkshire-Humberside, East Midlands, West Midlands, South East of England, East of England and London. The United States has opened up battles in the South East of England and in East and West Midlands. Here are the current results:

South East of England
+94498 = UK is currently holding this region by 94,498 defence points.

West Midlands
+15512/32100 = No one is currently winning the battle as it is in suburbia and it needs to be pushed to underground or No Man's Land for there to be a victor.

East Midlands
+18864/35800 = No one is currently winning the battle as it is in suburbia and it needs to be pushed to underground or No Man's Land for there to be a victor.

At the moment, all three of these battles are very winnable and if even one of them falls, it only makes eUK weaker and reduces the hope they have for their island. Unfortunately, with Norway moving into Scotland and now Northern Ireland, Canada is currently out of the war as there is no place for us to attack. When Canada regains the initiative in the war with Norway, there could be a region swap where Canada moves to Scotland and/or Northern Ireland so they can better hold off resistance wars. Norway won't have their MPPs during resistance wars and Canada is stronger 1 on 1 so it would be better for Canada to hold at least one of the regions.

Meanwhile, during the United Kingdom's impending fall, another pillar to fall very shortly in Western Europe is France. Due to joint efforts by both the United States, Spain and Poland, France is down to one region in Upper Normandy and surrounded by numerous hostiles. Today, the US and Spain have launched an attack from two fronts on Upper Normandy and it will be tough for France and her allies to put off both efforts for the win. If Upper Normandy falls, there are a few major benefits for EDEN. With France completely occupied, all of their MPPs against the United States and Spain are gone and so is the war. With France no longer around, all of EDEN's damage can be directed towards the United Kingdom and putting an end to their faildom. If both the United Kingdom and France fall, and they will very soon, this will allow EDEN to focus on many different operations and will really benefit the alliance in manuevers.

-Derek Harland
eCanadian Minister of Defence