Day 807 - UK, You Are Too Kind

Day 807, 16:27 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

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Oh beautiful Scotland, arguably the best part of the United Kingdom as it isn't full of Brits. We came to liberate you from the British failures and we have done so thanks to the UK's unbelievable generousity. Today, Canada opened up a three pronged attack on Scotland, Northern Ireland and the North West of England. Dishmcds, previously stating that he would never give up a UK region to Canada, decided to retreat the battle in Scotland claiming it would prevent the Norway from attacking (even though we all know he was afraid of losing to Canada). While it did so, they still gave up Scotland and when they are completely wiped off the map in a very short time period, it will be ours to keep as long as we can keep up the initiative lock and hold off the ever dreaded resistance wars. Today eCanada we do not fight with each other over petty differences, but we celebrate the conquer of Scotland as one country and we continue to fight in the two battles remaining in Northern Ireland and North West of England. Here are the results:

Northern Ireland
+60511 = UK is currently holding this region by 60,511 defence points.

North West of England
+213145 = UK is currently holding this region by 213,145 defence points.

We have been ordered to fight in Northern Ireland and we have so far done a good job there so let's keep hitting NORTHERN IRELAND WITH ALL WE HAVE! We can win that battle if everyone makes the commitment and hits it hard. Meanwhile, the United States also has an offensive in the United Kingdom with just under 2 hours remaining. While the wall is around 650,000, the United States could probably knock it down if they get allies help and spend a fair bit of gold. Losing SE of England would be a big blow to the UK as it houses quite a few companies there and has a Q5 hospital and a Q4 defence system. as well as a lot of citizens. A win in this battle would be a crucial victory for EDEN and would also be of great strategical importance as it gives the United States a direct launching point into London.

South East of England

+659396 = UK is currently holding this region by 659,393 defence points.

Apart from the United Kingdom front, there is also the wasteland in France. France has been ferociously and viciously fighting for survival for the last couple of weeks now and they refuse to give up their last region and are employing a "Not a Step Back" mentality. Every region has heavy resistance and they have caused a lot of damage to be used here instead of in the United Kingdom. Closing this war would be huge for EDEN. And today, EDEN looks like they want to end it. Spain has attacked four different regions in France: Aquitaine, Lower Normandy, Limousin and Upper Normandy and is winning every battle except for Lower Normandy. Aquitaine has the biggest wall built up due to its importance in beating France. Aquitaine is their last Q5 hospital to fight from and taking it out would severely damage French forces. Up to now, here are the results:

-193478 = Spain is currently winning the battle by 193,478 damage points.

-32471 = Spain is currently winning the battle by 32,471 damage points.

Upper Normandy
-7221 = Spain is currently winning the battle by 7,221 damage points.

Lower Normandy
+11660 = France is currently holding this region by 11,660 defence points.

If Spain can win at least 3 of these battles it would spell the end for France I am sure. To make things worse for France the United States has also attacked France across a front of three regions in Lower Normandy, Aquitaine and Pays de la Loire. The US is winning the battle in Lower Normandy (and the other battles are being lost significantly) which is the only battle Spain isn't winning and if the results of both the US and Spain's attacks stayed the same, France would be left with Pays de la Loire. While France managed to stay in their island of Corsica for a very long time, they wouldn't last long in Pays de la Loire as both Spain and the United States could attack France in their last foothold in their country. Yesterday it looked as if things were starting to swing in Phoenix's favour but today EDEN is clearly on top in France and the United Kingdom. This war is swinging back and forth and you don't want to miss it.

-Derek Harland

Tomorrow is election day and my support is behind jbdivinus. I feel that he is the right man for the job in February and I am confident he will lead us into a time of prosperity and success in our country. The Jacobian era in eCanada is over and we need a new strong leader to continue our countries strength and with jbdivinus in office we will continue to grow stronger. I strongly encourage my fellow eCanadians to vote for jbdivinus tomorrow and make a difference in eCanada. Every vote counts no matter how much you think it doesn't. Last election I lost by 4 votes and 3 votes in the different way would've changed the election so never think your vote is useless. Let's see a record high in voting tomorrow and show eCanada is ready to shine!