Day 804 - This is it eCanada

Day 804, 14:41 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

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DO NOT FIGHT BAREHANDED eCanada!!!!! This is what we have saved up for, fight with a weapon in hand for every battle fought in Scotland!

When I first started writing these daily war updates we have seen many interesting things happen around the New World and the momentum has changed many times in the war between EDEN-Phoenix states. However, today, we as eCanadians have the chance to get involved in the world which is what makes me more proud to be an eCanadian than anything. Today, eCanada, the United States and Norway have all invaded the United Kingdom in five different battles that is what we have all been waiting for ever since the UK betrayed ATLANTIS and its allies previous from their departure to PEACE. I know that I have never been more anticipated for anything more in my eLife. Since I have came into eCanada this is the first foreign attack I have been around to participate in and I am glad to see us getting involved. All the money made from hard-work running companies, daily work and pennies saved is meant for this, the time when eCanadians have a chance to get involved again in the war since the Invasion of North America.

Three regions have come under attack so far after the full-fledged invasion of the United Kingdom came last night. Wales, Scotland and the South West of England have all had allied troops land on their shores and fight fiercely inland. Canada has attacked Scotland and Wales, our bros from the south have attacked South West of England and Wales while our unbelievable ally in Norway has attacked Scotland. This has forced the UK and her allies to spread out their damage and not all regions will likely be able to be held by the time the fighting is over. So far the results in the battles are:

Canada attacking Wales
+1364887 = UK is currently holding this region by 1,364,887 defence points.

Canada attacking Scotland
+419611 = UK is currently holding this region by 419,611 defence points.

USA attacking Wales
-545934 = USA is currently winning the battle by 545,934 attacking points.

USA attacking South West of England
-828520 = USA is currently winning the battle by 828,520 attacking points.

Norway attacking Scotland
+561402 = UK is currently holding this region by 561,402 defence points.

From looking at the results, there are some very encouraging battles taking place. While the Wales assault from Canada has over 1,000,000 defence points, Scotland has a wall of barely over 400,000 which is very possibly for us to take down. THAT IS WHY EVERYONE NEEDS TO FIGHT IN SCOTLAND WITH ALL THEY HAVE! The fact that we have no MPPs activated and the UK has 15 very strong MPPs activated and the Scotland wall is only where it is, is a very proud showing that our country has a strong military and dedicated citizens willing to win the battle. On the USA front, the fact that they have 6 MPPS activated against the UK as well as having an incredibly strong military has lead to impressive results after the first 15 hours of the battle. They are winning both the Wales and the South West of England invasions by over 500,000 attacking points and will likely take at least one of these regions. Norway has 4 MPPs activated against the UK and considering they only opened one battle, they are doing pretty well with only a 560,000 wall. Keep an extremely close watch over all of the battles as it is sure to be exciting.

With all the talk being about the invasion of the British island, other fronts have been opened as well. Spain has attacked two French regions in Aquitaine and Corsica with the intention to draw damage away from Phoenix and take back control of France as well. Corsica is currently being won by Spain with a -176,000 wall while Aquitaine is being much more heavily defended with a +514,000 wall. The planned strikes into both the United Kingdom should hopefully give EDEN control of Western Europe once again if everything works out as planned. The other major event in Europe is the invasion of Estonia by Finland. Finland has attacked Pohja-Eeste which is a high grain region and the apparent motive for the Finnish invasion. Estonia has 2 MPPs in the United Kingdom and Malaysia and with the United Kingdom currently occupied with the defence of their country, Estonia's fate is looking grim. Especially with the Pohja-Eeste battle being lost by -30,000 attacking points.

eCanadians, there is nothing more that we have waited for since we regained our country. We are now called together in unity to fight for a common cause: Operation Teabag. We will succeed together with our allies and we will put an end to the puppet state's suffering. eCANADA THIS IS OUR TIME! THIS IS WHEN WE TAKE REVENGE FOR OUR COUNTRIES COMPLETE OCCUPATION BY ENEMY FORCES! THIS IS IT, eCANADA! FIGHT WITH ALL YOU HAVE AND LEAVE IT ALL OUT ON THE BATTLEFIELD AND WE WILL COME OUT VICTORIUS!

HAIL eCanada!
HAIL eNorway!

-Derek Harland