Day 782 - I'm Back, and So Is France

Day 802, 19:02 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

Citizen battle orders are located here

I would like to start off this article by apologizing for not writing for the last few days. This week I had exam week and my time was mostly spent studying/reviewing for the exams. In my hiatus from continuing my daily articles on war updates, we have seen major changes in the Western European front, and not changes that EDEN or eCanada wants either. Let's first start by taking a look at what has happened in the last few days that has lead up to the current situation Western Europe sees itself in.

Just a couple of days ago, France was down to one region in Corsica while Poland and Spain occupied the rest of France. The island of United Kingdom was surrounded by Poland, Spain, Canada, US, Norway and Sweden. It was the last pillar of Western Europe that needed to fall after France was finished. However, the UK was blocking Spain in their occupied regions of France to prevent them from attacking France's final region, keeping France alive. This made EDEN decide to initiate blocking attacks on the UK's home regions from Sweden, Poland and Canada. These lead to costly battles and MPPs activated on UK's side.

This wouldn't have been that big of a problem, except when the UK gained the initiative back they were able to invade French regions held by Poland with the support of all of their MPPs that the Poles activated against the UK. The UK were easily able to gain some regions and they had the initiative with a lot of powerful MPPs activated, not a good combination. To make things even worse, France was able to gain 2 regions back via resistance wars and France has also pushed Spain back with conquest wars and gained 3 regions there. At the beginning of the week, Poland and Spain had occupied all of France except Corsica and the UK was surrounded. However now, France is back up to 6 regions.

So we now come to where we are today. France is back to 6 regions in what was once 1 with their complete annexation almost done. There is good news however, the US has a beachhead in Brittany and could easily take back Pays-de-la-Loire, and Lower and Upper Normandy. Meanwhile, Poland no longer borders the UK in France so they don't have to worry about UK using its MPPs to take out Poland in France. So it is very likely that France won't hold their regions for long, especially if US holds the only regions that border the UK as the US is much stronger and has MPPs activated. Corsica continues to be a tough fortress to take down but that will need to be taken care of sooner rather than later.

So how does this affect eCanada? Well for one, it probably puts off the full-out invasion of Britain as France needs to be taken care of first. We have waited for it for so long and it seems that it only continues to be postponed. Not only is UK hated for the obvious reasons but they also have become a huge nuisance with blocking manuevers so wiping out the island does have strategic and sentimental purposes (along with taking all the MPPs away.) But for now, we will have to wait. Secondly, the UK has MPPs activated against us and they could consider invading our Maritimes. While it is likely they won't and it would be incredibly stupid of them, the possibility is there and we need to be alert. eCanada is now at the closest threat of invasion since WWIII and we all need to work together to be as strong as possible.

-Derek Harland