Day 773: Hungary captures Transilvania

Day 773, 10:21 Published in USA Australia by Aeros

Victories for Phoenix/Entente: Hungary captured Transilvania in Romania earlier this morning. In Israel, Turkish forces have captured the Nazareth District while Italy secured Lombardy from Spanish attack. Victories for EDEN/Sol: Central Greece was secured against a Turkish attack, while Polish forces have captured Hesse and Westphalia in Germany. Romania secured its southern borders once again against Bulgaria, while Malaysian forces held on to Sabah after Indonesia failed declined to tank the wall. Another questionable Sol victory is Pakistan successfully moving Serbia part way down their land bridge towards India. This is a situation rather unique to the Sol Alliance, where a Sol member state is facing annihilation by one Phoenix power, while another Sol member state is helping a different Phoenix power enter Asia.


Central European Front

Hungary continues to pull out all the stops against the Romanians, this time advancing into the fortress province of Transilvania. I have noticed that several Romanians have been complaining bitterly in the US press about America’s lack of support for Romania in the fight against Hungary. To these individuals I ask you only refer to your countries Alliance list and notice the sad fact that the US and Romania presently do not have an MPP. This is due to the Romanian MPP with China that neutralized the US/Romanian MPP. The only way America could help Romania directly is to deploy troops to the country. This is highly inefficient, and so it is not surprising EDEN has given the United States other tasks in the war, such as helping Croatia defeat Slovenia and keeping Central Greece from slipping into Turkish hands.

The US is hardly abandoning Romania, but we also cannot be everywhere at once either, least of all in a country without an MPP with us presently. It should also be noted that Romania is in no danger of being wiped out. When the US attacks Heilongjiang, Hungary will be unable to continue its offensive because of the initiative rules. Furthermore, Hungary will have to rally its forces to fight the United States in Asia, allowing Romania to win its initiative gaining attack. Even if the effort in Asia becomes completely screwed up, Croatia could simply launch its own invasion of Hungary if push comes to shove and accomplish the exact same thing.

In Germany, Polish forces successfully secured Hesse and Westphalia. At this point Germany is rapidly running out of breathing room, as Poland is now in a position to go for the jugular in Hamburg and the Rheinland. Should these two regions fall, Germany will be reduced to the point where Poland can wipe out the country in the next set of battles.

Western European Front

From the looks of things France has decided not to surrender, and has instead opted to risk annihilation in the hope Phoenix MPP’s will make up for their own inability to hold the defensive line. France has picked up quite an impressive list, adding Indonesia and Serbia to their Russian MPP. Unfortunately for France, Serbia is getting ready to try and fight the United States in India, Indonesia is fighting Malaysia and Russia has much of their Army deployed to Heilongjiang, Hungary along with most other Phoenix military branches. This is advantageous for Phoenix, as Hungary has an MPP or belligerency in almost every single theater of the war; every single theater except France of course. In short, those MPP’s look good, but that’s about all they do.

Should France choose not to sign a peace treaty with the Spanish, their country will cease to exist long before Phoenix has the time and resources to help them. At this point EDEN will be very keen to bring an end to the Franco-Spanish war in the same mold as the Croatian-Slovenian war. Spain can expect significant allied support in putting France in the grave if it looks like the French might be turning things around. Activated MPP’s cannot be allowed to exist long term as the North American War taught us all too well.

The failure to secure a peace treaty with France also means the Spanish war on Italy remains hot, with initiative blocking attacks being launched at Lombardy and Sardinia. The Italians are the closest allies of the French, and Spain’s invasion is largely aimed at keeping them from attacking themselves. The outcome of the Italian campaign his married at the hip to the outcome in France. The war in Italy will end when the French are ready to end the war, and not before.

Aegean Front

This Front has mostly quieted, with Turkey launching initiative blocking attacks against Greece in Central Greece and Crete. EDEN does have a wildcard in this front however, and that is Israel. Turkey must maintain initiative against the Israelis if they wish to keep Greece from counterattacking. Unfortunately for Turkey, Israel’s geography is such that Turkey must now fight an initiative deciding battle with the Israelis in Tel Aviv. Israel possesses an activated MPP with the United States, which means Turkey runs the risk of going up against the Americans should the US JCS decide to commit their forces to flipping initiative on this front. With so much of Phoenix tied up elsewhere, a US commitment to the Battle of Tel Aviv could mean an end to Turkey’s offensive in the Aegean. This is the most likely reason why Turkey has halted after securing Nazareth, though they will have to attack eventually before the 24 hours of their initiative runs out.


Indonesia continues its efforts to destroy Malaysia after failing to secure Sabah. They are now advancing on Malaysia’s most important region of Peninsular Malaysia. While Malaysia possesses quite a few MPP’s in this war, most are from very small countries that cannot offer much in the way of defense. Right now Malaysia’s best hope is the deployment of the bulk of Indonesia’s tanks to Heilongjiang. Since Indonesia relies heavily on a few core active players and their friends to make up their tanking force, the deployment to Heilongjiang in anticipation of the USA’s attack is all that is saving Malaysia from being wiped out.

While Malaysia is busy being wiped out by Indonesia, their Pakistani allies are busy helping Indonesia’s Serbian Allies enter Asia. Sol has always confounded me on numerous occasions by the bizarre and erratic behavior of its member states. South Africa for example, willingly let Brazil invade their Ally Australia and then deployed there military to defend the Aussies. Talk about having your cake and eating it too. Malaysia has been invaded numerous times by Indonesia, yet its political elites spurned US and EDEN overtures to form closer ties, favoring Sol’s neutral positions in Asia. And now, with Indonesia attempting to wipe out Malaysia once more, another Sol nation (Pakistan) is bringing one of Indonesia’s closest allies into the Asian theater. Perhaps Pakistan thinks that by adding yet another world power to Asia will somehow provide stability to the region? This is absurd of course. If all goes according to the plan for Phoenix and Pakistan, the US and Serbia will be fighting on the Indian sub continent for the rest of the year, and any hope for Sol’s neutrality will be crushed because one way or another Serbia or the US will find a way to defeat the other and tiny countries may become incidental to both nations goals. If all goes badly for EDEN, then Sol will be at the mercy of Serbia, Indonesia and Brazil. Maybe they think that will be better than being at the mercy of the USA?

Personally I think the Sol Alliance is not worth the paper it was signed on. Every time I think the alliance is finally getting its act together, something like South Africa or Pakistan happens to dash my hopes that the East Asian countries will be nothing more than pawns in the power game between Phoenix and EDEN. If the Sol nations must be pawns, can they at least agree whose side they are willing to be pawns for and stick to it? If Sol is not an Alliance, but rather just a group of countries with no desire to form some sort of bond, then they should at least have the decency to stop lying to themselves. None of the member states in Sol have any cohesive strategy and more often than not seem to be willing to shaft each other either out of fear or personal political beliefs. No wonder Australia wants to join EDEN.


Hungary knows its campaign in Romania is limited. With American forces preparing for their inevitable attack on Heilongjiang, overly committing their forces now will run the risk of being caught with their pants down when the USA attacks. This is probably the reason why Hungary did not go for the kill and attack Romania’s fortress of Muntenia. Hungary must also look over its shoulder now at Croatia, who possesses a fully activated list of MPP’s against them. Hungary is a powerful country, but even they could be in serious trouble if Croatia and Romania started tag teaming them.

For France, their day’s are numbered. While they have secured new allies, all of these allies are committed to their own offensives in Europe and Asia, and to fortifying the last of the Asian pillars. None of these campaigns will be resolved for at least a week, and Spain is in a position to attack all of the remaining French territories over a 48 hour period. With the French economy gone and much of their population now trapped in occupied territory, the French are in no position to continue the war.

The woes of France are further compounded by Germany's plight. Germany will soon be reduced to their final regions at about the same time France will be. In a tossup between Germany or France, Phoenix will send what help is available to Germany. The situation in Romania and the Pakistani land bridge will also add urgency to the American Campaign in Asia. Heilongjiang can no longer be put off, and an American attack on the last Asian Pillar could occur at any moment.