Day 3,105 - Die Volkischer Beobachter - Return?

Day 3,105, 21:11 Published in Albania Albania by Dieu DeMort

Well, my lads, school is over. Despite the fact that I no longer have school or band, I still have work and a girlfriend. So, I was wondering if it was even worth returning. Many times when I was pressed for time I thought back to this game and wondered if anyone ever thought of me. Poor Dieu, who that jerk behind the keyboard let die a horrible death, with underpaid employees and decaying businesses, as I let down the ILLYRIANS Party, and all of the people who read this newspaper, and this country itself, which I notice has lost the majority of its lands.

So tell me, brothers, do you all even want my return? It would be understandable if not, but I was wondering if you all even want me back.

I always try to read the comments on my papers, and I read every message that is sent to me. Make sure to let me know about anything you would like to see, or that I could do better. (Obviously other than the lack of activity right now)

My most sincere regrets,
Dieu DeMort