Day 20 - Senators Hacked

Day 664, 20:48 Published in USA USA by Astra Kat G

Just the facts, ma'am...

Remember that "attack" I talked about yesterday? Well it turns out two of our Senators were affected, EvanTheAwesome and Cpttom1, who were robbed and then forced to resign. As Warrior Princess of eUS Forums (lol), I quickly removed them from the Senator group, but we haven't seen any indication that the hacker bothered to check eUSA's forums, where our sensitive, private discussions go on.

Of course, they don't give Senators a whole lot of sensitive information in the first place, but meh. Also, we didn't discuss much today. I think the Senators are basically talked out and just sort of waiting for the war situation to sort itself out before making any big plans or debates.

In light of this sad news, this won't be a whole big article with pretty pictures and big fancy words and stuff. Just the facts.

The Russian hacker (well, spoke Russian at times anyway) also used up both of Cpttom1's proposals -- as well as one of Evan's, yesterday, before we knew he was hacked. Yes, that 50000 USD donation to the Congressional Budget Office. The hacker used Evan's account to create a fake Congressional Budget Office (with an extra space between Congressional and Budget), but it doesn't appear that the USD went to the fake Office and it looks to be safely within the real Office. I've sent a message to the manager of the Office to see if this is true, but it seems to be the consensus, for now.

We've since sent in tickets in support of Evan and Cpttom1 and reported the fake Org.

This morning, Russian President (sorry, I hear he's calling himself Emperor now) Parter mailed President Gaius Julius, to accept our surrender. Read a short summary of how it went down here. If you're banned from eUSA's forums, he basically just said that he'd accept our surrender if we paid 6000 Gold to eRussia within a month of the treaty, Gaius replied that we'd be merciful if he did blah blah blah, and Parter called us spoiled children in need of discipline.

Moving right along, other news I found interesting was that of a U.S. War Bond Program, an American Media Mogul Project (many trusted eUSA government names on this; thinking of joining as soon as I get 5 gold...), and a Civilian Fighting Guide (perfect for you two-clickers).

Voting Record - Day 20

Proposal: Peace Proposal
Proposed by: Gaius Julius
Description: The President of USA demanded a sum of demand 0.01 from your National Treasury in return to a peace treaty with Portugal.
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 30 Yes, 1 No
Details: Oddly enough, this doesn't appear on Portugal's Country Administration page... was told by Gaius Julius that the President of Portugal rejected it in favor of submitting one himself. So we'll see what develops on that front.

Proposal: Alliance
Proposed by: bekitare
Description: President of Bosnia and Herzegovina proposed a mutual protection pact with USA
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 28 Yes, 2 No
Details: Hooray for another MPP. 🙂

Proposal: Donate
Proposed by: Evan Feinman
Description: Do you agree to transfer 15623 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 25 Yes, 2 No
Details: Money matters.

Proposal: Issue Money
Proposed by: Cpttom1
Description: Do you agree with the proposal to issue 1 USD for 0.005 GOLD?
Voting Choice: No
Result: 1 Yes, 25 No
Details: Haxx0rz Proposal. Cpttom1 has already posted on the messageboards to say he's sorry about this.

Proposal: Minimum Wage
Proposed by: Cpttom1
Description: Minimum wage change from 1 USD to 40 USD
Voting Choice: No
Result: 1 Yes, 25 No
Details: Haxx0rz Proposal. Cpttom1 has already posted on the messageboards to say he's sorry about this.

Heard today that I might be running for Congress in Florida, but nothing's set in stone. And don't you find it funny that we were beating back the Indonesians on Country President Election Day and will now, more than likely, be dealing with the Russians at our door on Party President Election Day?

Just the facts, ma'am, America,
~Katherine "Astra" Gallagher