Day 1167: Round Two with eColumbia, and Voting Record

Day 1,167, 11:51 Published in Philippines USA by Aersidius

Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. ~Euripides

The most important story of the day is here. Today is our time to strike. Don't fight in the U.S. battles today, wait until our attack on Columbia begins to unleash your wrath.

Round one of the war was a Columbia's attack on Visayas. We won, thanks to assistance from allies.

I'm ready for round two. I hope you are as well.

Here's how I've voted in the proposals since I was elected to congress, my voting recor😛

Tax change: Moving Tickets
Day: 1164
Outcome: Rejected (2 Yes, 24 No)
My vote: NO
Reason: This tax change had not been discussed on forums. Though some changes had been discussed, this did not match any of the ideas brought forward.

Tax change: Grain
Day: 1164
Outcome: Rejected (1 Yes, 18 No)
My vote: NO
Reason: This was what is considered a lulz proposal. The new proposed tax rates are the same as the old rates, so regardless of outcome, the rates would not have changed.

In many nations congress members with proposals left at the end of term would use them so that congress could gain experience from the proposals. Now that congress no longer receives experience from votes, lulz votes are less regular.

Tax change: Weapons
Day: 1164
Outcome: Rejected (1 Yes, 18 No)
My vote: NO
Reason: Lulz proposal, see above.

Natural Enemy: Columbia
Day: 1164
Outcome: Passed (21 Yes, 2 No)
My vote: YES
Reason: Once again we respond to Columbia's Natural Enemy proposal with one of our own. When it looked like theirs would pass, our congress voted yes to pass one. This law is what gave everyone the extra line with +10% influence when we were defending Visayas.

DonationProposal: 2000 PHP
Day: 1165
Outcome: Passed (22 Yes, 1 No)
My vote: YES
Reason: After speaking with President Mr. Knoll and posting on the forums I proposed this law. My reasoning was to reduce the amount of money we'd lose if we lost Visayas and put money in the Bank of Philippines to help fund the battle. PHP was the largest amount of currency in our national account, so 2000 PHP was the donation.

Tax change: Food
Day: 1166
Outcome: Passed (20 Yes, 4 No)
My vote: YES
Reason: This tax change had been discussed on the forums. I didn't expect 4 votes against it after no one spoke out against it during discussion. Raising the VAT a little during war seemed like a good idea to increase money available for the war.

President Impeachment
Day: 1166
Outcome: Rejected (3 Yes, 24 No)
My vote: NO
Reason: I personally viewed President Knoll's leadership on IRC passing out food and arranging allies to fight for us. Honestly, I was shocked to see this proposal. Without President Knoll's efforts, I am certain we would have lost Visayas.

Alliance: U.S.A.
Day: 1166
Outcome: Passed (26 Yes, 1 No)
My vote: YES
Reason: At first it looked like this wasn't a possibility. Thanks to former U.S. President PigInZen for making this alliance happen by paying the U.S.A.'s side of the alliance.

Buy Constructions: Defense System
Day: 1166
Outcome: Passed (24 Yes, 0 No)
My vote: YES
Reason: I will support any reasonably priced construction which will assist in the defense of the Philippines. This construction is for Palawan, and only costs us a 1.00 PHP. You can't beat that price.

I'd encourage any citizens curious about the meaning of, or reasoning behind, our laws to send questions to me or any other congress member.

Thanks for reading today, I hope this didn't put you to sleep.
