Day 1,300 - 130 Tanks, 1,300 Feasts, & $13,000!

Day 1,300, 05:22 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

Good Morning Canada!

Five days ago, I issued the Justin Bieber Challenge. The challenge was simple - in this article, Canadians were asked to explain why they deserved to be recognized. All they had to do was explain why they (or someone they knew) were awesome. All sorts of things could make them qualify, so long as they were happy about what they do in this game to make a difference.

30 players responded, some by proxy. Our 10 winners have been decided, and they've already begun receiving their rewards. Just what did they get for the simple gesture of a Comment?

Each winner will receive:

13 Q5 Tanks,
130 Q5 Meals, &
$1300 CAD

To keep these weapons where they'll cause the most smiles, a strong preference was given to newer players. Seven of our winners have joined in the last 4 months - one has not even celebrated their 30th day. Two others arrived in late 2010, and the remaining prize went to an older (but highly deserving) player. Without further ado, Canada, here are your winners!

1) Adam Samson - For unparalleled ambition and a distinguished desire to explore every part of this game. Particular accolades for standing up to players who even some veterans avoid.
2) Blair C - For widespread activity and interest, especially for a player so new to the game. Extra credit for being a member of the Rangers Platoon I was a part of. 😛
3) Chose666 - One of the 3 older recipients, Chose has contributed to Canada on both the military and political stage. He is a member of the MFC and has participated in a number of Congress elections.
4) Citizen is Erased - Nominated by "Charmander" Chamrajnagar, CiE may not even know why he's receiving large sums of stuff this morning. The Pokecreep considers him a highly eager, intelligent newcomer.
5) dhruvs - The only recipient to outstrip me in age, dhruvs has pledged to distribute his winnings to the members of his unit in the TCO. The more we can spread the love, the better - certainly a praiseworthy comment from dhruvs!
6) Ethel Rosenberg - Somewhere around 500 in real life, Ethel's recent join date catches many offguard. She is a common face on IRC and the forums, and has earned recognition in both the May and June Cabinets. She'll kill me for calling her old, though.
7) Manna1982 - Another former platoon peer, Manna's commitment to the game is clear in the absolutely on-par number of Super Soldier and HW Medals he's received in his short time here.
8) Randall Flagg 1999 - Though the second oldest chronologically, Randall is eagerly learning the ins and outs of this game. He recently extended his interests to include the Canadian media and political compass, earning him a landslide Congress spot last month. He also puts up with me "irl".
9) Vineman - The second-youngest recipient for today's challenge at almost a month old, he's already got almost as high a military rank as I do. I'd call him a jerk for this, but as he's in CAF and EPIC, it's probably best that I don't.
10) Wally Cleaver - You can't talk New Age Players without Wally. In 4 short months, he has come to dominate the media, already served 2 terms as Minister of Communication, and picked up weighty Congressional influence in the heavy-hitting MDP. He's also the second-most nominated person for Jefflav's eCan Awards, with an impressive 4 nominations.

There ya have it, Canada! Those are our 10 Winners! Hopefully each of them will put their winnings to good use! Many thanks to Nosyt and the Independent Legion for providing considerable discounts on both the Tanks and Feasts.

As always, it's a pleasure to play this game with y'all. I look forward to the next time that I can give you free things under the guise of attractive Canadian stars. That cost me an article vote or two? Nah...

See you around!