Dark Poetries vol.1 †

Day 647, 14:27 Published in Russia Japan by AgresivePayne

† Beautiful Decay †

Beautiful Decay
The sunlight burned the land
It scorched the eyes of men
Turning the bodies tight of
The slaves to the night
The light sliced the headstones
Of the graveyard as the crows
Spoke thirstily for a prey
Willingly revealed itself
And he whispers to his love
Beautiful decay beautiful decay.

And she says with vying lips
Beautiful decay beautiful decay

Knowing one day this fate
We will share we wash our
Filthy glasses after we've
Drunk the poison
Silently we speak
To the ravens peak
Hades' eyes he
Wishes to meet to bear the
Whips as he lays to
The devil's feet
Tongues of lies tied
Misguided fools can't you see
The beauty the art of it
So captivating and he whispers
To his love...
Beautiful decay beautiful decay.

And she says with vying lips
Beautiful decay beautiful decay.

Knowing one day this fate
We will share we wash our
Filthy glasses after we've
Drunk the poison ripped flesh
In every perfect angle
Body contorted and discolored
Oh he must be an angel
His eyes filled with fear the death blow
He surely was to hear how lovely the
Blood wrapped around your body
As it decorates the earth
Cold-blooded veins
Cut freshly rings brain
Out of order
It will be perfected
Come noon the world to
See your masterpiece
Angel of death and he whispers
To his love...
Beautiful decay beautiful decay.

And she says with vying lips
Beautiful decay beautiful decay.

Knowing one day this fate
We will share we wash our
Filthy glasses after we've
Drunk the poison
Be grateful you were
Chosen now living soul
Caught in afterlife's hold
Grasp no longer to life for
It has passed you by
In death's faithful tide
Cherish the memories
That stand the man that can
Crush you with one hand
And he whispers
To his love...
Beautiful decay beautiful decay.

And she says with vying lips
Beautiful decaybeautiful decay.

Knowing one day this fate
We will share we wash our
Filthy glasses after we've
Drunk the poison
Burn, burn
Reaper's victim as your body
Slowly blackens
To ask of perishing perishing
In morning's mist as the blood
Dissolves we know one day our
Bodies will do the same now silent
Be silent watch slowly
The flesh disappear
To fade to crust
To become dust
And he whispers
To his love...
Beautiful decay beautiful decay.

And she says with vying lips
Beautiful decay beautiful decay.

Knowing one day this fate
We will share we wash our
Filthy glasses after we've
Drunk the poison
We have been
Chosen. †

-Dark Princess †

Dark Poetries vol.1 †
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