Darimana Datangnya Kita?

Day 265, 02:00 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by eIndonesiaGroup

Dah lama gak nulis berita nyantai, so here it is 😃

Dan berhubung moodnya lagi di bahasa Inggris, jadinya article diturunkan dalam bahasa Inggris, perkara salah grammar ato vocab, ah, persetan! Wakakakaaa. Bonus 10 IDR buat yang pertama mentranslate secara benar via comment.

Where did these eRepublik people come from?

From the soil added with God blessing, says the priest
Sexual intercourse!, says the doctor
Stork brings them!, says the fairy godmother
Invitations!, says the admin
Actually, it's the second me!, says the cloners. Oh wait, now make it the third me. Oh shit, now its the fourth. No, wait, now its the ..., mmm, whats the last number i mentioned?

But i say, external Forums threads brings them into this eWorld. So, lets talk about the Forums that (perhaps) has brought us here 😃.

# Sweden
It said that most Swedish comes from the [a url=http://www.flashback.org/]Flashback[/a] Even, they have a party named Flashback Sweden, who successfully brought former president Flammbar back to his throne.

# Spain
[a url=www.mediavida.com/]Media Vida[/a]. And again, also a party named similiar, Partido Media Vida. Speaking of Spain, i glad that those congressman both in Spain and Mexico are still rejecting the war (rea😛 merger) proposal. And as informed to me by a party leader in Mexico, the struggle will continues.

# Turkey and Greece
This two countries are now occupied by Goons coming from different sub at [a url=http://www.somethingawful.com/]Something Awful[/a]. Some says that the goons arrivals mean doom to eRepublik (refer to zaney thread in forum). Well, they do make political take overs, but it still legit. Then some of them start to making jokes on Attaruk, causing admin to use his banhammer. Mmmm, your opinion is needed on this, readers 😃

# Pakistan aka /v/akistan
Becoming the biggest nation on eRepublik early days, managed to collect more than 5000 Golds only within 1 months (Nov to Dec, while eIndonesia country account is still -20,000 IDR), then forced the admins to implement the war modul as they promised to. Wew, thats awsome. These people come from [a url=http://www.4chan.org/]4chan[/a] probably from the /v/ board.

[a url=http://www.gamefaqs.com/]GameFAQs[/a]. They even has a party named GameFAQs. But still the Democratic party leads the nation. Some said that 4chan hates GameFAQs (refer to [a url=www.erepublik.com/forum-topic-11102.html]this thread[/a] , but we also see that Pakistan troops help the American troops during the USA-Canada war. I guess the quote is true: there's no eternal enemy in politics

# Indonesia
Ah, my glory nation eIndonesia! I believe the first citizens of Indonesia came from [a url=http://www.e-samarinda.com/]e-Samarinda[/a] forum, but the birth boom happened after the news reached [a url=www.kaskus.us]Kaskus[/a] I believe many also came from other forum, since invitation has been written on lots of forum. [a url=http://indogamers.com/]IndoGamers[/a] [a url=http://forum.kompas.com]Kompas[/a] even [a url=http://ikastara.org/]Ikastara[/a] 😃

Some of those forum info is avaliable on Wiki. Go check yourself

Kalo aku, taunya eRep dari Kaskus. Invitation datang dari Swastyayana. Kalau kalian, dari mana?


Penulis handal, saingannya bang n3m0

NB : Btw, banyak pemain-pemain eIndonesia lama mulai balik lagi nih ke eRepublik.

n3m0 (Dunia Dalam Berita) udah ngeluarin lagi berita-beritanya
kancutrobek (BlueBird Group) sempat bilang mau buka lagi perusahaannya
hudiyawan (pendiri BIMA) udah nongol di komen
habisi_aku (mantan ketua PRM) sesekali mulai komen
Rafee (mantan presiden) juga bilang akan kembali ke eRep
Don Agung (bukan siapa-siapa, wakkakaa) juga mulai merekrut pekerja baru buat perusahaannya

Yang lain mana nih? Ayo dunk, aktif lagi. Bantuin kita2 majukan eIndonesia, sekali lagi ... 😃