Dante for Congress

Day 1,979, 04:24 Published in United Kingdom Israel by dante643
it wasn't until I previewed this article that I realized how long I made it and for that I apologize for nothing and grovel on the ground and hope you read it through

That's right I want to get into Congress, like many players its a goal, a goal I wish to full fill, we each have our own reasons for getting into Congress, aspirations, the love of debate, the want of representing ones own Political Party, well I wish to enter Congress for two reasons. The first and foremost is to represent the people of ESO I want to be Congressman of the people, to discuss with the Party what they want to be heard in debates, for my arguments not to be a representation of my completely my own agenda but the embodiment of many a members input and beliefs to that end I'll make a few promises that I hope at the end of my term people will judge me by how I kept them, I'll go into those promises further on. The second is to bring to Congress two ideas that I believe would be of much benefit to the eUK which I'll go into in the next paragraph.

For a while I've had two ideas milling around in my head as I watched and played the game, with the implementation of Government recognised MU's I thought it would be a perfect time to bring forth my first idea, a Military Council. Basically the Military Council will be representatives from the five strongest MU's in the eUK to work with the MoD, a Council in which communication is key, this is to help utilise two things I believe the current structure is lacking, Time Zone soldiers and multiple battle damage spread. The idea is that the MoD of that time will talk with the MU representatives to collect data on their soldiers discovering whom among their ranks fight in which Time Zones, this allows for the MoD to request MU A to set orders at X time so that their fighters in Time Zone B can fight in Battle C. Thus creating a fluid and reactionary fighting force. The second point on is when it comes the time where our allies are being pressured on multiple fronts and one or more is requesting assistance with their battles, at the moment when orders go out we have the option of either Battle A or B which I believes shows that we favour that Ally over the other, instead with the Military Council word can go out that MU A,B and C will fight in Battle A, while MU D and E will fight in Battle B and then you can factor in Time Zone soldiers damage to be implemented to either Battle on a case basis, such as if MU A,B and C have entered a needed battle and the battle has quickly been won or is in a position of like 66-0, orders can go out from the Council to have orders set for the Time Zone hitters to hit the other Battle that might be in a 44-43 situation (just using a hypothesis here).

The second idea I want to bring before Congress is a national Lottery, not one to gain profit for the Government directly but to help fund the NHS, tickets will stay low at around £5 and a weekly draw will set up, this will have two benefits for the NHS, it will allow people currently being in a stable position (ie being supplied by MU and companies but not overly rich) but not one that can give generously, to help the NHS with also a chance of a reward and secondly keeping the price of tickets low which in itself allows a greater market (basic supply and demand there my Economics tutor would be pleased with me) but those who win the Lottery can be helped along in upgrading their Companies/Training Grounds/Whatever and thus propels them further into the game and enriching our community.

Finally I would like to discuss the way in which I hope to embody the thoughts of ESO its a simple way but I believe effective, communication. I believe that communication to ones own Party who they represent should be of the highest priority, to that end if a debate arises for a new Law, Policy or changing of anything and there isn't a obvious solution or general consensus on the outcome, I will go to my Party and Party leaders and discuss with them their thoughts on the matter and what they want to be heard in the debate. A Congressman is not voted by the people to represent himself, but the embodiment of their representation.

Thankyou for Reading
ESO Candidate Hopeful

- Military Council
- Lottery to help NHS
- ESO Rally Speech.