Danishism a religion that makes fun of the swedes!

Day 441, 05:25 Published in Germany Denmark by A. Holst

For too long time there has been few religions, so i present to you: Danishism

The book of Danishism

part 1, The Begining

At first there was only a white page, then a selected group of people called "Administrators" created the world, but when the world had been created, there was noone to inhabit the lands, and they agreed to make many kinds of humans, from the sharing "Homo Russinia Comunistiumsapiens" (Russians) over the passive "Homo Irishia homelandiasapiens" (Irish) to the stupid "Homo Svezia Nonsapiens" (Swedes).

The Admins sai😛 Let us rest, and let the mortals have some fun before we do more acts.

Part 2, The God

And time passed, and the glorius president Grev Per was elected president over all Danes.
He Ruled with glory and wisdom, his subjects was happy and the nation flurrished, the mortals, even Grev Per did not know, but Grev Per was in fact a God-President and marster of the "Homo Dania Handsomeia, Funnysium Supersapiens" (Danes) race, destined to rule over the lands of Denmark, yet they had to wait for much time before they woud know.

Part 3, The War

But just days before the god-president became president had the Administrators sai😛 The world goes too well, its becomming borring to us, let us make it possible for the mortals to make wars!
And it came true, the Swedes was quick to adabt to this, it is in their nature to be horrible and violent, and their massive ammounts made it easy for them to overrun the Danish marster race.

Part 4, The rule of the stupid

For what seemed like an enternity, the swedes ruled over the danes, the danes struggled gloriously, killing the swedes with second hand smoking and hit and run accidents, but little did it help, the swedes were too strong, and the Administrators did not want the marster race to be free yet...

Part 5, The Liberation

Then wen everything seemed lost, the Administrators sai😛 You have suffered for long enougth, you may now free your contry!
But the danes sai😛 Not yet, we have to make the swedes want to let us go free, we migth be smarter, funnier and more handsome, but the swedes are too many for us to battle, the Administrators accepted that, but it did not take long before the God-President Grev Per sai😛 My fellow danes, today our marster race will prevail! For today is the day we take back our holy lands!!!
And as Grev Per had said, the danes took back the holy lands of Hovedstaden and the relatively holy lands of Sjælland, and the danes was happy once more!

Part 6, The Profet

After the liberation, the profet of the gods A. Holst showed himeself, he sai😛 Brothers, Grev Per is no President! The crowd gasped, they coud not belive what they heard, person called himself a profet and said that their president wasnt a president!
A. Holst sai😛 I have great wisdom, Grev Per is not a President, but a God-President!

For now: The End

Brothers, let us all add the religion "Danishism" to the religion part of our citizens template at the erepublik wiki, ye who do not do this may ye burn in sweden! errrrr... i mean HELL!!!