DAL Writers' Challenge: Week II

Day 1,168, 23:33 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

The first week of the WC saw us kick off with some great articles. In the end, TemujinBC managed to beat Muglack by a mere 0.5 score from one judge. Hence, TemujinBC wins the 15 GOLD for his article AD module lost, a better world?. Congratulations to Tem and to all the competitors!

Of course, there is a new contest, Week II, starting Monday at midnight (just minutes from this article's publication time). The prize money for this week will be 10 GOLD. As with last week, any article published between midnight eRepublik time on Monday and midnight on Thursday with the [WC] tag in the title will be evaluated by our panel of judges:

-Addy Lawrence
-Acacia Mason

If any of my judges won't be able to get their marks in on time, please message me as soon as possible.

Now, onto the topics for this week:

TOPIC 1: Do real life Canadians make better eCanadians than foreigners?

TOPIC 2: Vote buying for articles: is it degrading our standards or is it simply a useful tool?

TOPIC 3: Age: How does the age of a player affect their style? Is the "over 30" group inherently more rational than the rest?

TOPIC 4: The military aspect: What exactly makes role-playing military organisations so appealing?

Couple of things to keep in min😛

-Word limit has been raised to 900 words and will be more strictly enforced. Articles that go over will be penalised.
-Bought votes or plagiarism get you an automatic disqualification.
-Articles should stay on-topic and there is no leniency on the deadlines.

Judging criteria is as follows:

Treatment of topic: 30/50
Clarity and Layout: 20/50
Total: 50/50

Each judge gives a mark out of 50. These are averaged out and your total mark comes into being.

So write away! Get those [WC] tags out there! 10 GOLD awaits.