DAL Needs You

Day 509, 09:38 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

First off, I want to wish everyone a Happy Easter today. Even if you aren't a Christian you are still going to celebrate it whether you like it or not.

The main point of this article though, is to advertise the Democratic Action League. The DAL party is currently around 30 members behind the 5th place party in terms of members. That is important because only the top 5 parties can support members for congress and they're the parties with the most power. Now I could join a party for the running of congress and then come back to the DAL but I am a person who would rather not win fairly then win cheatingly. So if you read this article, join DAL because you want to see me in congress right, I mean who doesn't?

But there are reasons why someone would want to join DAL. I can reach out to the newer players better then I can to the older, more experienced veterans of the game. I know as a newcomer to eRepublik, I wanted to join a party that will want to hear what I say and not just what the elite members want to say. DAL accomplishes this in so many ways. They let you speak up and they want to make you involved in the party. It is a great feeling to be in a party that cares about everyone, not just themselves or a select few veterans. To the newer players, when you are considering what party to join after you reach level 6, JOIN THE DAL PARTY you won't regret it. Plus with such a small member base, that means you will have a better chance of working your way straight to the top.

I am not as accustomed to the veterans of this game but there is one piece of advice I could offer. After being in eRepublik for a couple of months, half a year, or maybe even a full year, don't you want to see some change in eCanada? DAL is all about change. The "Coalition for Change" is ironic because they're really not about change at all. I support the Q5 hospital but that is really all Bruck has done that I have noticed. Bruck hasn't done a bad job with the presidency either it is just that he hasn't really left his mark and made a huge shake-up with eCanada and this is what DAL wants to do. DAL wants to do a FULL make-over with the country. So to the older players, if you are getting tired or bored of the same daily environment, considering coming to DAL for change and prosperity in the future.

After reading this article, I hope I have done a good job to persuade my audience to come to DAL. They stress change in eCanada and a chance for boomers and newer players to become more active and involved in daily life in eCanada. To the newer and older players looking for a party or a change in parties, DAL is your best option. Don't take just my word for it, talk to everyone else in the party and they will support what I have said.

I am currently above 20 subscribers and I want to thank everyone who has subscribed to my paper and/or read it.

This is Derek Harland signing off.