DAL Charity

Day 524, 13:49 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

The Democratic Action League party is starting up a charity that is designed to get new players started with the game and to help them out in any way possible. All the members of DAL will be donating to this charity that is going to help new players with whatever they need, whether it be money, tickets, gifts or weapons. If enough money is raised, houses might even be offered too. Scythian, a member of DAL will be tracking all "HELP" requests on the forum or in-game and offer them support from the DAL charity. The player will then ask what help he needs the most (money, tickets, gifts, weapons, etc.) and we will provide him with it whatever way possible.

If the new player appreciates our generosity and kindness, we are hoping that they would join the DAL party and support DAL whatever way possible. If they do join DAL, their help will be increased and we will help them to advertise whatever it is they want whether it be their newspaper, their company or even just their profile.

Last but not least, the DAL is going to be offering knowledge and support all the way through. New players can PM the DAL organization for any question, comment or query they might have regarding anything to do with eRepublik. It will be kind of like the DAL university but without sign-ups or payment necessary. The older, more experienced veterans of the game from the DAL party will make sure that any question is answered and the new player is left with a solid answer that he or she is satisfied with.

The main purpose of this charity is providing help and support for new players who feel lost or left behind in the pack. Any other party member is welcome to donate to the party to and do anything they can to help new players. Although the charity is partially designed to advertise the Democratic Action League party, its main goal is to help new players in any way, shape or form. Anyone with any extra change or gold lying around is free to help out and donate to the DAL organization and support or sponsor a new player in his rise to the top.

Make a difference in someone's eLife, and make a dent! I guarantee you that you will feel good about yourself if you do.

The DAL organization for donating money, tickets, wellness, houses etc. or sending PMs asking for help is located here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1443337

Thank you from your fellow eCanadian citizen and congressman,

Derek Harland.