Daily Slice Interview Series "Stanley Ibcus"

Day 1,296, 22:50 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons
Hello everyone, The Daily Slice is a request driven and short story paper, made by Zachary Parsons, the paper is sponsored by the United States Workers Party, as well as the American Military Party. If you have any requests PM me and we can get the ball rolling.

Today The Slice will be serving up a hot plate of an interview with another well known player, one that looks to make a change in the USWP…Stanley Ibcus.

(Zach sits down with Stanley, as Stanley puts down his infamous mask and Zach pours the both of them a glass of Everclear.)

Zachary Parsons: Well Stanley you are well known well in the eUS, but for those of us who do not know you, or who are new. Give us a brief bio of yourself.

Stanley Ibcus: I started the game by joining the TC where I made the rank of Master Sergeant before leaving. Then, I bounced around some militias and finally ended up in the Ultra Marines as my political career ramped up. Since then I have been with the USWP, I have served as Deputy Director and Director of Member Services, I founded the USWP Honor Corp, and was a member of the Zombie Horde. Most recently, I served as Chief of Staff for ElmieJr. At the national level, I have served as the Ambassador to eEstonia for 4 months now and was Deputy Director of Propaganda during Glove's first presidency.

Zachary Parsons: HOT DAMN what credentials!!!What made you decide to run for PP in the USWP?

Stanley Ibcus: I am running for USWP Party President because I feel I am the right person to lead the party into the next chapter of eRepublik life. There is a new breed of player entering the game these days and they are hungry to make things happen. However, some old grudges between players is standing in the way of progress and incorrectly labeling the USWP as an Elite organization. That was the past and people need to see that our leadership is fresh, energized, and ready to work together.

Zachary Parsons: Well man I wish you luck, but lets move on. What changes do you hope to bring?

Stanley Ibcus: We need an image adjustment. Most of the negative things that people say about the USWP originate from a long time ago. I want people to see the USWP for what it has become now.

Zachary Parsons: I agree with you in all honesty. Anyway what makes you different than the other runners?

Stanley Ibcus: 1. I am not looking for power or self gain. My goal is simple. Show the world that the USWP is a fun party that can help launch you to the next level in whatever part of the game you want. 2. I don't owe anyone any favors and don't have any old grudges.

Zachary Parsons: I likey I likey. ( Zach pours somemore Everclear.)What do you have to say to existing USWP members to persuade them?

(Stanley Ibcus performs a Jedi mind trick)

Zachary Parsons: (writes on a slip of paper…These are not the droids you are looking for.) Do you know who you will include in your cabinet as PP?

Stanley Ibcus: I am undecided about my full cabinet because we have so many great players involved in the party. However, I know that I want a good mix of both new and older players. Also, JOSH WHITEHEAD will be working with me in some capacity.

Zachary Parsons: Finally, what do you have to say to our readers?

Stanley Ibcus:
No matter what party you are in: Get involved. Have fun. Thank you for reading! Subscribe to this guys paper!

In other news I am going to suggest some people and papers to watch, if you would like to be featured leave a comment If you would like to be listed as well.

Josh Whitehead,a great writer and his radio is awesome, I assure you

Sir Valaro Volcrum here wrote an AMAZING article over the American Military Party, check it out.

Darkskye wrote this superb article on the entertainment media in eRepublik.

Civil Anarchy is an amazing writer and he is hosting a Entertainment run writing contest. It is worth a read.