Daily Slice Interview Series "Sir Valaro Volcrum"

Day 1,287, 11:01 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons
Hello everyone, The Daily Slice is a request driven and short story paper, made by Zachary Parsons, the paper is sponsored by the United States Workers Party, as well as the American Military Party. If you have any requests PM me and we can get the ball rolling.

Today The Slice will be serving up a hot plate of an interview with a new up and coming party “The American Military Party” Party Chief of Staff Sir Valaro Volcrum.

Zachary Parsons: As Party chief of staff of the American Military Party what is the main priority and Present goals for this up and coming party?

Sir Valaro Volcrum:The current goals for the party are; to increase in size of course, promote activity and fun, establish infrastructure to ensure the party is run well, and finally formalize a party Constitution. Currently I am setting up the Mass Messaging Team, and working with some of the Top 5 leaders to work out an arrangement to run our Congressional Candidates, should we have trouble making it into the Top 5. Lastly my goal is for us to do joint projects, establish synergy and work on helping each other get recruits.

Zachary Parsons: I like the sound of this Volcrum, this Party is looking to shape up as a contender.

Zachary Parsons: As an up and coming contender to the already established inCi and USWP parties, how do you hope to stand toe-to-toe with these monstrous titans of the political lore?

Sir Valaro Volcrum: We are assembling a party with solid leadership; those in our current ranks have a broad range of political and organizational experience. From three former leaders within the USWP, a solid member base and an active demographic to recruit from, we have a good chance of reaching the Top 5 and becoming a very competitive party within the Republik.

Zachary Parsons: ok, so the political aspect is looking rather well, now what is the current structure of the Hierarchy inside of the party? Who runs the show?

Sir Valaro Volcrum: Right now the party president is Haliman, I am the Chief of Staff, John Jay is the Deputy Chief of Staff, Ralph "No Pants" Ericson is the Director of Fun, Kria Erikson is the Elections Director, Necros Xiaoban is the Communications Director and Ian John Locke IV is the Legal Director. As the AMP Chief of Staff, I do a little of everything to ensure every department is running well. Haliman gives us a direction, the directors facilitate that and I ensure everyone is doing what they need to do and lending a hand where needed. An example was the new creation of our MM Team, started only last night and half of the slots are already filled up.

Before We move on...Feast your eyes upon the beautiful Janna Jameson who stopped by earlier in the day

Me and Volcrum were shocked that she came in Half nude, but we got over it.

Zachary Parsons: Awesome, The fact that the MM team is already set up is a big step in recruiting, let’s move on. As a part designated of former USWP members, Current Military leaders, and with the member base also of the same background. What future teams, Militias, or any other groups can we expect to see out of the AMP. Private Military, news teams, etc.?

Sir Valaro Volcrum: The AMP will not be looking to create a private military or a "militia". We will serve to work primarily with the eUSA Military and other militia (plus any other member) to ensure their voice is heard. With the eUSA Military no longer beholden to Congress and being an independent force, a lot of people have gained interest in getting into Congress. We hope to facilitate that through a party in a friendly environment, that won't require members of the eUSA Military to go to a new forum with tons of new people. News teams and MM Team wise, we are taking volunteers all the time to help with the Public Relations, Media and Graphics Departments. If you want to help out, feel free to PM me on the eUSA Mil Forums here: http://eusmil.com/forum/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=137

Zachary Parsons: Well I might be interested, (LOL) it shapes up to be a rather fast growing movement. With that in mind will there be any citizen assistance or party assistance programs coming soon to the eUSA?

Sir Valaro Volcrum: I don't know about the eUSA, but they already have Meals on Wheels, Bewbs4Newbs and Arm America. The party however *will* be researching ways to assist new players to learn the game through the Training Corps, find a career in the eUSA Military, get politically active through the AMP and ensure that we can help new players stay active and involved. Retention of new players will continue to be a goal of the American Military Party.

Zachary Parsons: Ok and finally, as Party Chief of Staff, do you have anything you would like to say to our fellow readers. Anything to say to members already in the party?

Sir Valaro Volcrum: I would just like to say, you are all welcome to join, regardless of what military unit you are in. We have USAF and eUSA Mil alike. We are the original military party of America and are lead by experienced and competent leaders. If you want to get started in a political career with a friendly environment and even some of your friends! Then join the American Military Party today. In game you can find us at http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/united-states-defense-party-2721/1 and on the Mil Forums you can request access here: http://eusmil.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=122&t=3421

Well that about does it Folks. 1st one in the Bag, The interview was a success and I didn't attack miss Jameson when she entered the room. Volcrum almost did, but that's a story for another Day..

This is Zachary Parsons Signing off til next time. Stay Classy eRepublik.