Daily Slice Interview Series "Phoenix Quinn"

Day 1,300, 11:11 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons
Hello everyone, The Daily Slice is a request driven and short story paper, made by Zachary Parsons, the paper is sponsored by the United States Workers Party, as well as the American Military Party, and the World Wide Whitehead. If you have any requests PM me and we can get the ball rolling.

Today The Slice will be serving up a hot plate of an interview with one of the most talked about writers in the eUSA media Phoenix Quinn.

(Phoenix comes in wearing a tailored blazer, shirt, necktie and potato sack shorts)
(Zach pours Phoenix a glass of Crown Royal, and opens himself a bottle of Sam Adams.)

Zachary Parsons:
Well Phoenix, first of all welcome, could you give me a brief bio of yourself, take your time no rush?

Phoenix Quinn: In real life, I am an older-than-average player. I won't say how old, but I can tell you that I'm a man of wealth and taste. Also, I've been around for a long, long years and stole many a man's soul and faith. LOL. No really, my real life is pretty boring, but I have had some interesting relatives. My step-grandfather won a Pulitzer Prize for telegraphic reporting during World War 2 and my uncle was tank gunner with the 3rd Armored Division. He fought on Omaha beach and was with one of the first units to enter Germany. My great aunt was a pioneering ethnomusicologist who recorded the creation myths and songs and legends of the Coast Salish Indians in the Pacific Northwest. What else? My grandmother lived in Madrid during the Spanish Civil War and in Havana in the years leading up to the Cuban Revolution. She was a character. Anyway, I started playing eRep about two years ago, and joined the Socialist Freedom Party pretty soon. (By the way, the claim that I'm actually an ostrich from Africa who was kidnapped and brought to the New World against his will is not entirely true.) I spent most of my time at first arguing with Osmany Ramon and others about Marxist and post-Marxist theory, then eventually moved on to trying to do something "useful". Like... I became the editor of the Socialist Freedom Press and ended up doing that for a long time. But my reputation for being a long-winded and obscure smarty-pants came about mostly because of the impenetrable and dense drivel I tend do for my own journal, Spectacular Times. I think probably my only real claim to fame is that I may have written the longest article in eRepublik history -- it was called "A Response to the Capitalist Weekly". I thought it was pretty funny, but then I have strange sense of humor. What else? I used to do a little bit of programming too. Had some neat demographic stuff and a some militia-management tools back during V1, but I got annoyed with the never-ending changes and crap support for the API, so I gave up on that. My pal Kazeal convinced Glove to let me edit WHPR during his first term and that seemed to go over pretty well. I am actually part of the current Glove Administration too, but honestly, I haven't really done a damn thing so far.

Zachary Parsons: Damn boy, you sure do get around. Anyhow let us move on. Tell us about your decision on joining the American Idol contest?

Phoenix Quinn: Well, I was pretty close to just fading away, you know?, since I was getting kind of bored with the whole thing. Civil Anarchy is an old friend and SFP bro. He's one of the people who really taught me how the game works back when I was a noob and has always encouraged me in my somewhat unusual approach to the media module. Some day he'll make a fine President of the e-USA. Anyway, I couldn't resist a writing contest. Publishing stuff is the only part of the game I really enjoy.

Zachary Parsons: Well you ARE an amazing writer so I expect nothing but the best. But onto another subject. I enjoy reading your work, what do you think of your competition in the contest?

Phoenix Quinn: Everybody brings something special to the competition. I was disappointed that Custer dropped out because I've enjoyed his writing for a long time. I think he brings an interesting twist to things by kind of inter-weaving real-life stuff into the game context. You can only write about the latest war between super-alliances so many times before you start to lose your mind. Know what I mean? I'm a big Gnilraps fan too. I like his cantankerous attitude.

Zachary Parsons: I am sure they had some really good reasons for leaving the contest, so we should let them have their time. What do you think of the media and your experience in eRep so far?

Phoenix Quinn: The media, like everything else, is pretty much absurd, but I enjoy it alot. It's probably the only really creative outlet within the game context. I like to dig around and find interesting and funny stuff from around the world. I really miss the Latest Articles feature, though. That made it much easier to find good or fun new writers. You know, what cracks me up the most is when people take the time to post a serious comment complaining that something is "too long". You know, those "TL😉R" comments. I mean, wtf? If it's too long, then don't read it! I mean, why bother advertising your ADD to the whole world? I don't want to pick on my fellow Americans, but it does make me wonder sometimes... 'cause, you know, you find plenty of longer, thoughtful articles in other countries.

Zachary Parsons: Do you think you will branch off in the future? Military, Political, etc…Though I do believe you are already in a Militia.

Phoenix Quinn: Well, I think I'm still a "General" of the Bear Cavalry Militia, but.. No. I was in Congress a couple of times and hated it. I don't really have the time to get all that involved in politics and it's kind of ridiculous anyway. Mostly I just like hanging out with my buds in the SFP and kind of doing my own thing.

Zachary Parsons: Ah I see well that was a very enlightening part of our conversation. Finally what would you like to say to our readers?

Phoenix Quinn: You are all beautiful children of the Universe. Even Pizza the Hut. Follow your star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far and fight for the right (and by that, of course, I mean the Left), without question or pause. Yeah by the way I have one more thing, do nothing that is non-virtuous.

There you have it folks, this amazing writer has to get back to work so we gotta let him go.

(Zach lets Phoenix walk out with his bottle of crown.)
Phoenix then leaves and heads to the downstairs strip club without Zach knowing.)