Daily Slice Interview Series "Necros Xiaoban"

Day 1,291, 22:38 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons

i]Hello everyone, The Daily Slice is a request driven and short story paper, made by Zachary Parsons, the paper is sponsored by the United States Workers Party, as well as the American Military Party. If you have any requests PM me and we can get the ball rolling.[/i]

Today The Slice will be serving up a hot plate of an interview with a new up and coming party “The American Military Party” Party Communication Director Necros Xiaoban.

Zachary Parsons: Ok since everyone might not know you, give us a brief bio of yourself, and make it nice and pretty for our readers.

Necros Xiaoban: Hmm…

Zachary Parsons: take your time sir, no rush.

Necros Xiaoban: I've held a wide variety of titles and positions in eRep, but I'm currently Colonel Necros Xiaoban, CO of the eUS Armed Forces Boot Camp (aka Second Division); I'm also the Senator from Rhode Island (this is my ninth term); and I was also just appointed Communications Director for the American Military Party.

Zachary Parsons: Well so far all three of our interviews have very differing and exemplatory backgrounds. Anyway what do you hope to accomplish as Communication Director?

Necros Xiaoban: I intend to elevate the visibility of the AMP in a positive manner, provide a professional, organized appearance, encourage further recruitment of new members, and facilitate inter-party cooperation.

Zachary Parsons: well now how do you hope to achieve such means?

Necros Xiaoban: Through the power of peace and love of course!

Zachary Parsons: (Looks around with a smirk, but lets it fade as he pours himself a glass of Jack Daniels)…really?

Necros Xiaoban: really, really, my good friend!

Zachary Parsons: Alright, ok, and Awesome. Well in that case, do you have any job offerings yet for AMP members to try and progress these means?

Necros Xiaoban: We continue to have positions open in our mass messaging department, anyone is free to apply, which can be done on our forums.

Zachary Parsons: hmmm will there be any possible jobs in the near future for our members?

Necros Xiaoban: Anyone wanting to join our newspaper writing team should contact my deputy, Zachary Parsons (Necros raises his glass to Zach as they enjoy a small toast and laughter.)

Zachary Parsons: Speaking of which, does the AMP have a designated paper yet, or is that in the works currently?

Necros Xiaoban: Because of the removal of orgs we will be using party members’ paper on a semi-adhoc basis to provide AMP news, press announcements etc.

Zachary Parsons: How does the Party hope to branch out and reach new members in the coming months?

Necros Xiaoban: Through the power of an effective media presence synergizing with the latest and greatest in mass messaging team information management technology.

Zachary Parsons: hmmm only a few more left. (Zach pours himself another glass.)

Zachary Parsons: Will the party be opening any teams like Writers guild, Graphics department, etc. in the future?

Necros Xiaoban: Yes.

Zachary Parsons: May we have a sneak peek?

Necros Xiaoban: No, but you CAN have this bunny instead. (NX pulls a rabbit out of the hat.)

Zachary Parsons: oh! (Gives the rabbit to one of his stage hands.) and off with the head. Ok on that note we at the Daily Slice something to ask you? What would you like to say to your existing members and what would you like to say to the general public who are not in just yet?

Necros Xiaoban: Nitwit, blubber, oddment, tweak. (NX hiccups)

Zachary Parsons: Ok, there you have it from the horse’s mouth.

Soon after they both left, Zach with miss Jenna Jameson…Drunk as hell (from what we know he passed out as soon as he got home)

Necros Xiaoban went back to the bar where he drank and partied for hours…then woke up in Mexico, but that is for another day

Signing off, Stay classy eRepublik.

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