Daily Slice Interview Series "Haliman"

Day 1,289, 22:52 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons
Hello everyone, The Daily Slice is a request driven and short story paper, made by Zachary Parsons, the paper is sponsored by the United States Workers Party, as well as the American Military Party. If you have any requests PM me and we can get the ball rolling.

Today The Slice will be serving up a hot plate of an interview with a new up and coming party “The American Military Party” Party President Haliman

Zachary Parsons: First of all, the readers here want to know a little more about you, the new players need to know you, can you give me a brief description of yourself my good sir?

Haliman: Well, I'm a Lieutenant Colonel in the USNG. I've been here for almost a year now, and have grown pretty close to these guys I'm one of the founders of the American Military Party, and am currently their Party President. In the past, I've been PP of the USWP, PP of the Brolliance Party, Speaker of the House, and even President of the country back in January

Zachary Parsons: Ok, that is a really good, interesting start, what made you decide to make the American Military Party?

Haliman: I was sick of party presidents holding grudges against people, and forbidding them from doing certain things in the party, such as run for congress, or advance within the party. I wanted to give people the option to have a new start in a new party that supports a strong military.

Zachary Parsons: Ok well then on to the important stuff. The American Military Party; what is it built around, what does your party have to offer that other parties do not?

Haliman: We have a really strong, active leadership team that is always open to talking. We encourage our members to contact us with any questions they may have, and we answer to the best of our abilities. We also have a very active membership base, which means our new members are always greeted by a ton of people.

Zachary Parsons: That’s awesome, anyone in particular you would like to thank for all the training in eRepublik? Because we all have some sort of mentor anyway?

Haliman: Some people that helped me out back when I was a youngin' were Ligtreb, GF, Woxan; other great friends later on are Leroy Combs, Jude Connors, Evan Feinman, SVV, and Kria Erikson, But in all honesty I can't name every great friend I've made over the year

Zachary Parsons: ahhh, well this game is mostly politics, spam, and business anyway. Which can’t always be changed, but there is always that spark of hope…

Haliman: Well both fortunately, and Unfortunately that is true

Zachary Parsons:…but i digress, which brings me to my next point. IF the American Military Party were to become a major force in eRepublik, do you hope to bring something up to the admins’ hold on us, or anything about gameplay…

Haliman: Don't you mean “when”?

Zachary Parsons: (laughs with great gusto)

Haliman: But no, in reality of the game, political parties have no sway on the admins. There would be nothing we could do.

Zachary Parsons:…yes, yes “WHEN” it does my friend, when it does.

Zachary Parsons: but a member CAN become president. He(or She) has a say, do they not?

Haliman: They have the allusion of sway with the Admins, but in actuality they really don't listen to us, unfortunately.

Zachary Parsons: ok, well on that note. IF we could sway them, what would you change?

Haliman: HA! Well I would; Limit wellness packs, bring back international posting, update political module, and finally… bring back V1 war module

Zachary Parsons: hmmm ok, enough with me rambiling on “what if’s.” I have a few more questions then we can get out of here and hit the bar.

Zachary Parsons: What is the current state of the Party?

Haliman: doing awesome. We're gaining a lot of members daily.

Zachary Parsons:
hmmm any fun things coming up?

Haliman: We're going to have another game night this Thursday, though the details are not final yet, we hope to have a big turn out.

Zachary Parsons: hmmm any insight, a "Sneak Peek" perhaps of what it might be?

Haliman: You as well as everybody will know when we send our next MM

Zachary Parsons: ahhh ok ok, I will stop pestering. Can we get a roster update?

Haliman: (looks around his notes) We have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many active members for me to list everyone!

Zachary Parsons: Sorry my friend, I meant inside the Hierarchy? (Zach lets out another great heave of laughter.)

Haliman: I'm PartyPresident, SVV is Chief of Staff, Kria Erikson is our PAC director, Ralph Ericson is our fun Czar, NX is our communications director, IJLIV is our legal director.

Haliman: (starts to get anxious as he looks at the time) LETS HIT THE BAR!

Zachary Parsons: awesome, and ok, ok. Now finally to our readers, what would you like to say to anyone not in AMP and what would you like to say our current members

Haliman: If you aren't in the AMP, join us! If you are in the AMP, good work 😁

Zachary Parsons: ok Sir
Haliman: no problem

Round 2 is done, now editing and revising my 3rd piece, it will be up soon. Until next time…

I look around the office and shut everything down, we walk out again to see miss Jameson walking around half-nude…just another day in the office.

This is Zachary Parsons Signing off til next time. Stay Classy eRepublik.