DAILY ROTTEN~JUNE 21~HEADLINE NEWS(Croatia, War Games, Announcment,etc.)

Day 579, 18:40 Published in USA Canada by Bill Forder

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1. eRepublik News
2. Joke
3. Announcment(Intent)
4. Quote

American News: Today we FINALLY got an other war game going on, which I will talk about later. Nothing much otherwise.
International: Croatia was brutally attacked(Forget war games, my fellow Americans help Croatia)
A resistance war has started in Lower Saxony against France and thats about it.

Texan: 'Where are you from?'
Harvard graduate: 'I come from a place where we do not end our sentences with prepositions.'
Texan: 'OK, where in California do you come from, Jackass?'
Announcment: I plan on running for congress, not known where yet, but will come out with article later. (Proably not New Jersey, I tried last time and got 43 votes, haha)

'Well, you see, there are basically three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count and those that can't.'