D-Spud plans for Invasion of UK 2010

Day 933, 17:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by D-spud
Dear e-UK Citizens

It may have come to your attention that the e-Irish and friends are starting to mass on your border with the intentions of invasion. Now don’t panic, unlike other invaders who you have encountered in the past, we e-Irish will show the upmost respect to your population and heritage with only a few minor changes like:


Firstly all UK citizens can expect full employment, BUT there will be some notable changes perhaps to the “quality” of the employment on offer.


The Military, ahhhhh we have always have “soft spot” for the UK Military and especially the entertainment they always provided while on “tour” in our lovely e-country. So just to be a little bit more environmentally friendly after our invasion the “RED COATS” ... will be going “GREEN”, now all together ........“It’s a long way to Tipperary ,It’s a long way to go................” .


Well I can see it now, “Buckingham Palace” will make one hell of an “e-Irish Pub”, while Westminster and Downing Street will be easily converted into a “Red Light” district. (that won’t take much!!), ooohhhhh yeah note it will be a “euro gold zone” only .......none of that “Sterling” funny money.


“Rule Britannia....Britannia rules the waves la-la-la”...... ok, “ Nelson baby” , you ain’t got a Navy no more so move over and let’s pay homage to “Neil” the rocking Leprechaun , who will now provide all UK citizens with hope for the future in the form of “three wishes” & “crock of e-gold”.......and look as a mark of respect to your “past” a “Maritime”(water) effect will be in operation.


So do not fear UK Citizens, the e-Irish will be your “friends” (once the invasion stuff is done with) and you will be well treated in our “Expanded e-Ireland”. We hope you understand that any negative elements of our invasion will only be temporary and all should be well again by “tea-time”. So prepare for a jolly good show and chin up while we make the invasion as painless as possible.