Custer for POTUS and Other Stuff

Day 5,583, 15:58 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer
Custer for POTUS and Other Stuff
Vote Early and Vote Often. Vote Smart. Vote Custer.

Dateline: Saturday March 4, 2023 (Day 5583 )
Location: Still out on the Whistlestop Tour

So much going on right now, so much I want to cover.
I'll try to cut the chatter, present some stuff, and we'll all be outta here in a couple minutes.
tl; dr There's really just two important sentences, they're in bold.

:: been really killin' it with the retooled Pony Express. fun stuff, I hope y'all like it.
:: I won three Party Endorsements, most notably the Rough Riders. Hell, yeah!
:: I lost the SFP Endorsement, but it was *cough cough* close.
:: been working with SecMed King Taco on a new WHPR honoring DMJ.
:: I've been gently volunteering the nation's top writers to a new Discord channel where we can plot to overthr... oh, wait.. where we can collaborate. we're building a Press Corps that can service any government newspaper as needed.
:: we've been poking through old guides and tutorials, updating them and republishing in the Defense, Education and Interior newspapers. Vote and Subscribe.
:: I've been tracking new players who pass through the app default MU, Free Beer and Wings. They're slippery and hard to catch, but I have grabbed a couple before they wandered off and now they're settled in and functional.

All this crap I'm doing with media and noob retention.. I'd do it anyways. I've been doing it since I came back to this miserable game-- saw a problem that's within my ability to affect positively, and waded in ass deep.

Don't gotta be President to write articles and chase noobs.
Not sure if being President will make any difference in that Holy Crusade.
I'm gonna do it anyways.

eRep is a War game, the rest of this is fluff.. Player retention is to keep more clicks on the battlefield. Media is to help people wait out the time between clicking on the battlefield. Houses are so we can click on the battlefield more frequently. Hero rewards are so we can buy more weapons to click on the battlefield.
War is the game and we have the best damn War Command Team in the world.

Which leaves me free to pursue Noob Retention and reviving the Media.

No drastic button pushing, no surprise war that gets us wiped, no pissing off our Allies.
We've got Infrastructure to work on-- we all have that work to do, together.

Election starts in a few hours. Pick a button and push it.
Vote Early and Vote Often. Vote Smart. Vote Custer.

eMerica needs writers. In addition to encouraging all citizens to publish newspaper articles, nearly every Department needs writers. A government job is a foot in the door to a top tier political career. Your byline on a government publication lets everyone know you're working for eMerica's future.

We're gonna do us some doggone Community building..!

The main election is just hours away.
Who do you trust with all the buttons?

Spread the word!
Custer for POTUS and Other Stuff

George Armstrong Custer, a writer.
