Custer's Election Platform Piece

Day 1,493, 15:00 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer
In keeping with the custom of publishing a campaign platform article...

I hereby announce my candidacy for Congress, representing America from New Mexico.

Dateline: Thursday December 22, 2011 (Day 1,493)
Location: Campaign Headquarters, Winston, New Mexico
Reporter: George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer

Currently serving in the 48th Congress, my sixth non-consecutive term.
Currently serving as Deputy Speaker of the House.
Recently joined the White House Press Corps as a contributing writer to the White House Press Report.

The Budget
There's very little we can do to change the Budget.
A full understanding of the need to build a strong Reserve fund means that we cannot reduce that Budget line. Projections are that the desired goals may be reached in 60+ days at the current rate of daily Donations to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). When a President requests emergency funds through the (Select Committee on Intelligence (SCI) to fund Arm America's weapons distribution for a critical battle, that pushes the goal out.
The other Budget lines are for the (official) Military and Office of Militia Services (OMS). We cannot in good conscience reduce those allotments, but must remain vigilant that those entities are using their funds efficiently.
The Budget has been rolled over, unchanged, each of the past two months. I see this continuing until the Reserves goals are met.
Congress is also charged with the responsibility of assuring the taxpayers that the funds allotted to Budget-liners is being used efficiently and effectively, and must make inquiries and must be given straight answers.

A change in Taxes means a change in revenues with which to form a Budget.

I would love to see the government funded Military and Militias progress to becoming fully self sufficient, thereby requiring less government funding and allowing Congress to lower Taxes and present a smaller Budget. But Congress does not have that power, it's up to those entities to adopt a larger sense of fiscal responsibility to the American taxpayers.

The most sensible Discussion regarding Taxes is that we need to develop three different Tax Plans for the different conditions of game play:
1. Regular tax conditions.
2. Invasion where we lose our resources.
3. Bot stops working.

The current Discussion has been derailed, as expected, but needs to be restarted and kept on topic by the 49th Congress. Someday we'll see the Reserves hit the goals, and hopefully the Military and OMS will require less funding, and at that point we'd better have a suitable Tax Plan ready to enact. Now is the time to hammer it out, not later when immediate action is called for.

I stated clearly at the outset of the past two Congressional election campaigns that I would not lead a "tax revolt" but would actively support and participate in Discussions to that end.
I now restate that position, firmly. Others who know economics as applied to game mechanics need to lead this charge.

Rubber Stamping
It's unfortunate but it's true-- game mechanics limit Congress to presenting Tax Plans and approval or denial of Alliances (Mutual Protection Plans, MPPs). The President determines national policy, not Congress, and unless those decisions are totally whack then it's Congress' job to Approve-- yes, rubber stamp-- the President's Proposals.

The daily Donation to the CBO (building the Reserves) is standard, it was discussed at great length early this session with some members of the CBO and SCI being very forthcoming with detailed information to help Congress understand the how's and why's of the Reserve. We rubber stamp that mutha every day, it's our job.

The rest of it... the Constitution and the Code, access to information from the CBO and SCI, working with Immigration (IES)... it's all "meta game"-- another layer of game play we develop on our own beyond what the geniuses at eRep give us. It's all part of living in an intellectually advanced society.
We tweak and adjust this meta game all the time. It's not game-enforceable, but it's how we function and it's important that we do continue to examine ourselves and how we function, and work to make that better all the time.
Discussions, Proposals and Votes on non-game topics are not subject to rubber stamping, they're what makes Congress meaningful and a true reflection of the American people.

Ethics and Behavior
Behavior is not ethics.
Early in the 48th Congress one member was found to be selling Citizenship Approvals for gold, and was promptly censured. Bribery is poor ethics and will not be tolerated.
Another Congressman is well known for his abrasive manner and lack of tolerance for dissent. Still another has become known for his aggressive manner in pressing issues he feels are important and that his position is right.
Both of these Congressmen would serve America better if they pulled it back a bit, because what people see first is their behavior and then it really doesn't matter what they have to say. But neither are acting in any unethical manner, they both have America's interests at heart.

I've been urged by citizens, Congressmen, and prominent media people, to play foil to Henry "Pfeiffer" Arundel in dueling trollfests. While I find his behavior and manner to be objectionable at best, I will not be a court jester in a public spectacle for people's amusement and increased popcorn sales.

Speaker of the House
Please see Section 2.2 of The Code.
Election of a Speaker of the House is the first order of business for each new session of Congress. Eli Crownover and I were nominated for the 48th, Eli won and chose me as his Deputy Speaker.
I don't feel I've been very effective as Deputy Speaker, much due to the limits of access and authority afforded that job. Further limits on my authority to Moderate threads and individual posts have been placed on me. And as a janitor, relegated to splitting threads which have been purposely derailed off topic or devolved into trollfests, I suck.

If elected to the 49th Congress, and if nominated for the job of Speaker, I will likely again accept that nomination. As Speaker of the 49th, I intend to bring about a level of true transparency, exchange of information between Congress and the SCI with proper reporting to Congress. National Security does not make everything secret, and even sensitive information can be reported carefully and in a timely manner without breaching security.

In Summation
I think we've accomplished less than we could have this past term, but have laid a little foundation on which to build. We have a better understanding of Ethics, of the role the Reserves plays in forming a Budget, and that there are different scenarios for which to prepare future Tax changes.

A Congressional election during enemy occupation resulted in many capable candidates not winning while too many incapable players were ushered in on popularity. Candidate placement in a full America will allow voters to make more clear choices between dedicated candidates and opportunistic slackers.
One winner per region, not three or four. Make an educated decision to elect an active and intelligent Congress this month.

I don't know who the other Parties are running in New Mexico. If one of my opponents is a dedicated and experienced player, you have a real choice to make.

I enjoy playing the military and media and politics modules of this silly game. I'm a professional soldier, and take pride in my media work-- I do these things for myself, for my own enjoyment. I'm not a professional politician, I play the politics module for you-- you either like how I serve you, or you don't.
I've laid out what has been done and what I hope to do if re-elected.
Move to New Mexico on the 25th and re-elect me to Congress, or don't.

Other News and Announcements:

Jameson L Tai has returned to eRep and is running for Congress in Wyoming!

The White House Press Room's Grab Bags fundraiser was a huge success!

President Oblige's newspaper is The Savior.
The White House Press Room offers news from The White House.
The Department of Defense's Daily Citizen Orders.
The Speaker's Word is Congress' official newspaper.

USA eRepublik -|- Jude Connors -|- George Armstrong Custer

Shout of the Day:

Custer's Election Platform Piece
As always-- straight talk, no bull.

ReShout it!

If you want to join the any branch of the eUSMilitary, the Training Corps is the place to start.

Gunny Claus loves you!
Minimum strength: 5000
Minimum rank: Field Marshal
Minimum hit with no weapon: 1250

For further information check the public USMC IRC Channel #ooh-rah.

Lieutenant George Armstrong "Crazy Old Man" Custer
eUSMarine Corps Media Officer
White House Press Corps


Semper Fi, America!