Current Voting Record

Day 616, 04:16 Published in USA USA by Crash and Burn Industries

Just posting my current voting record

Tax change: Weapon - No
Donate to Fort Knox - Yes
Peace Proposal with Italy - Yes
Tax change: Gift - No
Donate to Fort Knox - Yes
Issue Money - Yes

I voted no to both tax changes. I understand my fellow Senators reasoning behind these tax increases, but at the same time they weren't willing to lower income tax, even a little, to compensate for these increases. Had these bills been closer to not passing, I might have voted yes. My No was more of a symbollic No to show that I disagreed with the raising of the VAT without the lowering of Income.

Yes on Peace Proposal with Italy because it will stop them from fighting against us through the MPP's of other nations.

Issuing money and Fort Knox are just standard procedures.

Thanks for reading.