Current Events+Helping Others.

Day 613, 11:54 Published in USA USA by Thunderclaw

Hello, Thunderclaw here. Almost all of you probably do not know me as I am a fairly new member, however I have been trying to get more involved. So I decided to start my own newspaper. Here I will be providing my view on what is currently happening, to the world and to myself. If I happen to hit 1000 suscribers, I will donate the gold I get to the Military. And so we go.

As you all know, eUSA is currently involved in "The Greatest Colbert War". Not sure whether it is considered World War 3 yet, but it sure seems like it. ePortugal has just captured Georgia and eIndonesia has just captured Hawaii. eRussia seems to have attacked Colorado just to keep America off the offensive. eFrance has attacked Manitoba, Canada.

My thoughts:
eRussia must be running out gold by now, as it takes quite a lot of gold to start each battle.
I think the first thing that eUSA needs to do to turn the tide of this war is to take back all of the regions that Russia holds in North America. It would quell one side of the war and would let us concentrate on other battles.
Next we should get France out of eCanada, our main ally. It would allow the Canadian forces to help us in our war effort.
After this, we could concentrate on expelling ePortugal and maybe even capturing Azores so that they wouldn't have a border with any original states of eUSA.

Today is the Congress Elections. The USWP has decided to only run two candidates and instead send their voters to other countries to prevent PTO's of our allies. I believe that this is a noble effort and I applaud their efforts. As for voting in the eUSA, make sure to vote for someone you know.
Chris Stanwick has compiled a list of Official Congressional Candidates here:

Other news:
Recently I have been looking through the states that have Q0 or Q1 hospitals and encouraging new players to move to a Q5 state. I have moved about 15 people now by donating them a moving ticket and answering any questions they may have. Imagine what would happen if everyone of us would just help 5 new citizens. eUSA would be hitting triple the damage we do now. Please help. If you don't have a lot of money, then direct them to me, as I have some money and would be happy to use it all to help our great nation.

And remember, eUSA is the greatest nation, it just hasn't realized it's potential.