Cum stam: dilema maghiara / The Hungarian dilema RO/EN

Day 1,528, 09:38 Published in Romania Romania by Darkslowstar

For my international subscribers: please scroll down for the English version

Mai intai as vrea sa va multumesc la toti care m-ati ajutat sa iau medalia de MM, una destul de muncita. Va multumesc pentru apreciere si sustinere 🙂
Stiu ca unii dintre voi se intrebau daca nu cumva dupa obtinerea medaliei n-o sa o las mai moale cu scrisul. Raspunsul este nu, o sa scriu in continuare cat timp ma tine inspiratia si timpul.
Dar sa trecem la treaba

Dupa cum scriam saptamana trecuta, Serbia a cazut sub loviturile fortelor EDEN & TERRA, exact la momentul potrivit ca sa nu poate alege un congres, dar a reaparut pe harta repede si fara Congres ales. Practic dorinta TEDEN de a sterge de pe harta in rastimp de o luna toate fortele ONE a fost indeplinita, iar superioritatea pe campul de lupta a fost confirmata.

Din pacate au inceput sa se manifeste unele disensiuni in cadrul EDEN, la bulgari existand o usoara majoritate care nu se poate impaca cu prezenta turcilor in EDEN, desi guvernul bulgar de la acea vreme a fost de acord cu aderarea imediata a Turciei. Intre timp a avut loc un referendum acolo, castigat de fortele nationaliste si ca atare Bulgaria a opus un veto tardiv intrarii Turciei in EDEN.

Spun tardiv pentru ca Turcia este de ceva timp un aliat bun, si indiferent de ce zic bulgarii va ramane aliata noastra. Pozitia vecinilor nostri este destul de meschina, tinand cont ca au o pace de facto cu Turcia de 8-9 luni. Vom ramane mai mult ca sigur prieteni si cu turcii si cu bulgarii.

In timp ce in restul lumii se modifica raportul de forte, noi ne continuam ping-pongul cu fratii nostri de peste Tisa. Ati vazut ca am reusit sa recapatam repede initiativa, profitand de faptul ca fortele ONE erau cu ochii pe Serbia, iar Polonia s-a impotmolit iar in Germania.

Am respins usor atacul la Crisana, si am cucerit iar Southern Great Plain (SGP) si Budapesta. Evident ca a urmat o noua pierdere a SGP, dar din fericire am profitat de faptul ca aveam 24h pentru a lansa urmatorul atac (initiativa nu se pierde decat in urma unui atac direct) si ne batem din nou pentru SGP. Daca reusim sa cucerim iar regiunea, avem cale libera sa atacam o noua regiune maghiara, Central Transdanubia, cu bonus la fier.

Chiar si pentru cei mai fanatici nationalisti, acest ping-pong devine din ce in ce mai obositor si plictisitor, mai ales ca este destul de evident ca nu avem forta sa-i tinem pe unguri sub ocupatie, chiar si cu ajutorul Ucrainei.

Din pacate nu putem avea incredere in ei ca sa putem incheia un tratat de pace, mai ales dupa ce ne-au atacat la 10 zile dupa ce semnasem ultimul tratat de pace cu ei, profitand de faptul ca eram ocupati in Anatolia.

In opinia mea singura cale de a iesi din situatia asta este sa mentinem presiunea asupra regiunilor de baza maghiare (ei pierd resurse, noi profitam) pana cand se vor satura si vor fi de acord cu un tratat de pace care sa ne asigure noua cateva regiuni maghiare, iar lor linistea necesara pentru a putea incepe un mars spre vest. Alta varianta este ca ei sa inceapa un mars spre vest oricum (exista destui care isi doresc asta), spre Franta, Germania, Italia, Elvetie, etc. Au de unde alege, dar problema lor va fi ca vor lasa in mana noastra regiunile lor de baza.

Un posibil tratat de pace le-ar asigura mentinerea unor regiuni de baza, ca baza de plecare si noua ne-ar permite sa atacam Slovacia, Cehia sau chiar Polonia. Dezavantajul ar fi ca ar putea sa vina polacii peste noi.

Eu sper ca ei sa aleaga marsul spre vest (Austria e stat marioneta, deci nu ar avea cum sa se opuna), pentru ca noi nu avem alte variante, fiind inconjurati doar de aliati. Noi trebuie sa luptam mai departe in Ungaria, pentru ca nu avem de ales!

Haideti sa dezbatem un pic subiectul. Cum vedeti rezolvarea dilemei maghiare?

soldat cu kurtos-ul in gat

PS Ucraina a atacat si ea acum Ungaria, asa ca o stergere devine in sfarsit posibila.

English version

First I would like to thank everyone for helping me taking the MM medal. I will continue to write even after I reached the magical 1000 subs figure, as long I will have inspiration 🙂

As expected, Serbia fell under the hits of TEDEN, right on time to be left without congress for the coming month. The goal of TEDEN to erase all major powers of ONE in a month was fullfilled on due time.

Unfortunately EDEN has some internal problems, due to the fact that Bulgaria, even it has approved initially the admission of Turkey, now has vetoed it by means of a special referendum.

The position of Bulgaria’s nationalists is pretty difficult to understand, since they have for a longer period peace with Turkey, despite the fact they were members of opposing alliances.

Turkey will remain our ally, its a right they gained on the battle field, together with our respect. In fact nothing changed, we will remain allies with both countries.

Even the e-world is changing we are stuck in our endless war with Hungary, a war that they started, after a peace was signed between our countries 2 months ago.

We stopped again Hungary in Crisana and took advantage that most of ONE’s attention was directed to the Serbian fronts and quickly recaptured SGP and Budapest. Of course we have lost again SG, but since we still have the initiative, we are assaulting SGP again.

I think even hard-cour nationalists are becoming bored with this ping-pong. Our problem is that we can’t trust the Hungarians, because they attacked us (we had a cease-fire, for a determined period) when we were fighting hard in Anatolia, which lead to a occupation of our cour territories by Turkey and Hungary.

If there will be a pace between Hungary and Romania, this will happen only in the conditions set by us, with the occupation of certain Hungarian territories.

Romania has no other chance then to fight Hungary, since we are surrounded by allies, but Hungary has the option of starting a march to West, where they have border with their Austrian puppet state. Further on, they would have a lot of EDEN targets there.

We on the other hand would have free path to attack Slovakia, Czech Republik or even Poland, so it would be a win-win solution for both countries and it would add a little spice to the game.

This could be done by a treaty or Hungary could simply start the march and leave its core territories in Romanian hands (as we have done it when we moved to the Baltic area). Now Ukraine joined the Hungarian party, so a deletion becomes very likely.

We will keep the pressure on their territories because we don't have other option, so its theirs choice. Personally, I hope they will chose to go west, since its quite boring to repeat the same battles over and over again. But its their decision 🙂

See you on the battle field, our dear Hungarian friends 🙂