CTW Interviews - Evry + GloveisLove

Day 1,688, 09:29 Published in USA USA by e5anderm

CTW - S16 - July 4th, 2012

First of all, happy 4th of July everyone!

Here we go, interviews with both Presidential Candidates (I was sort of hoping to do three or four interviews but this month we only have two candidates that stand chance at winning) as promised in earlier articles.

I asked both candidates a very similar set of wide ranging questions; from short one answer questions, to personal questions, to some opinions, a good theoretical question and gave them both a chance to make one last statement trying to get your vote. Hopefully this gives you a different perspective on the candidates and helps make up your mind (if you haven’t already decided who to vote for).

Lets go to the interviews. First up is Evry, the AMP candidate supported the United States Workers Party, Federalist Party, Springfield Retirement Castle, Cerberus and Elmie Jr Party.

(e5) - What’s your favorite Color? and what’s your favorite Number?
(EVRY) - Color Blue, Number 16

(e5) - What's the best movie you have seen lately?
(EVRY) - Definitely The Avengers

(e5) - What’s the deal with everyone calling you a ‘she’?
(EVRY) - Haha, basically, two years ago Cerb said something in the Economic Council to the effect of “Good evening gentlemen + Evry”. From then it spread from the EC calling me a girl to the eUSMC (back when I was a member there) to the rest of the country and now I get PM’s from people from other countries addressing me as a woman.

(e5) - Where are you from in RL?
(EVRY) - I live in Connecticut, USA

(e5) - When did you first start playing eRep and who are some of the mentors you had back then?
(EVRY) - I started playing Feb 19, 2009 (nearly 3 and a half years ago). My mentors were people like Cromstar, Bastion, and other former CvP-ers. In my “middle years” I found Cerb and PigInZen to be wealths of information as well as a few other people still around.

(e5) - What is your opinion of Pfeiffer?
(EVRY) - I personally think he’s a manipulative bastard. However, I have had a few genuine conversations with him where he doesn’t just respond with “herp” and “derp” in alternating lines. I definitely don’t agree with him in most cases though our paths do cross occasionally. He definitely doesn’t like me however and has made that opinion of his very clear. I will also add that Pfeiffer will not be in my cabinet this month due to various reasons including his attitude and lack of cooperativity with others which is something I value extremely high in a cabinet of roughly 25 trying to lead a country of roughly 12500.

(e5) - Your take on Civil Anarchy and Tenshibo, the two CP Primary candidates you beat out?
(EVRY) - Civil Anarchy and Tenshibo are both great people. I didn’t put them in my cabinet (as Secretary of Media and Secretary of State respectively) for fun. I put great value into their work and truly believe they’re the best people for those jobs. I am also extremely grateful for them bowing out of the way in order to allow us to unite together to defeat Glove.

(e5) - And what are your thoughts on Ajay Bruno?
(EVRY) - Ajay Bruno is actually surprisingly similar to Pfeiffer with two main exceptions. Ajay’s Bruno ideas and interests very rarely overlap with mine, and I’ve never had a really genuine conversation with him. His habit of creating and abusing multis is bad for the game and the community at large. He has all of Pfeiifer’s bad qualities, with none of the good ones.

(e5) - How did you pick your cabinet? and how does it compare to Glove’s cabinet?
(EVRY) - I picked my cabinet solely on two criteria; competency and co-operativity. The people I selected were chosen based on their experience and past job performances in previous cabinets and positions in addition to their ability to get their points across effectively. While it may seem I chose people for political or personal reasons, that’s far from the truth. The people I selected come highly recommended by past Presidents and Chiefs of Staff in addition to what I have personally witnessed in the 15 or so cabinets I was a member of. Glove’s cabinet however is clearly built on the basis of political favors. He essentially selected at least one person from every party along with a few other politically motivated selections.

(e5) - You are the favorite with support from 3 of the 4 largest parties in the country, while Glove has the support of a lot of small parties, are you worried about complacency at all?
(EVRY) - I don’t quite understand what complacency has to do with the party endorsements so I’ll answer those questions separately. I’m not only a candidate with big-party support. I have also picked up a few endorsements from smaller parties making me more of an all-around candidate supported by people in smaller sub-communities as well as the people from the larger sub-communities.

As far as complacency goes, I am definitely worried about it taking over and the country losing the rest of its remaining talent such as military strategists, word smiths, company owners as well as charitable donors. This is in fact extremely troubling and why I created the Smile Squad to fight off the apathetic and complacent attitude the eUS has been forming.

(e5) - Currently we have NAPs with Spain and Poland, what would you do as President if both countries decided to break the NAPs and try to wipe the US?
(EVRY) - I have learned from past invasions and if invaded, my actions will depend on a few key things. First of all, I would ask my cabinet for advice. In the past when facing invasions, Presidents (Glove included) tend to ignore advice and lock themselves alone in a room giving and taking no messages. In order to save the country and help it bounce back when invaded, keeping the communication lines open is extremely important. Secondly, I would begin by making a plan. I’d focus both on a military plan as well as a financial plan. Being wiped can cost a lot of money due to lost tax revenue and lost population, accounting for that as well as any cash spent attempting to prevent the wipe is a must. Thirdly, I would investigate all of our options, and act. I would be a realist if and when the situation presents itself. I won’t hide behind the hope that we’ll fight off the wipe if we’re losing 10, 15, 20 battles in a row. I’ll come to the realization that the wipe is inevitable and get it over with so we can bounce back as a stronger America and show our enemies the error of their ways.

(e5) - In one sentence, why should people vote for you on July 5th?
(EVRY) - I’m responsible, experienced, innovative, and have a great cabinet to back me up in case I falter.

And now, the interview with GloveisLove, who is the RLC candidate and is supported by the Bastards of Liberty Party, Manifest Destiny, Very Italian People, American Patriot Party, Smokin 4ces Party, FlorCism, Players Party for the eUSA, Democratic American party, Newbie Party, and GAMA - FaMa Party.

(e5) - What’s your favorite Color? and what’s your favorite Number?
(GLOVE) - Blue and #4

(e5) - What's the best movie you have seen lately?
(GLOVE) - Fight club, obviously 🙂

(e5) - What is with the name GloveisLove?
(GLOVE) - Glove was my original account, and during that time I came up with the meme "Glove is Love" and seeing as I wanted no one to ever forget, I embedded it into my new name.

(e5) - Where are you from in RL?
(GLOVE) - I'm from Wisconsin, I'm a Badger as well!

(e5) - When did you first start playing eRep and who are some of the mentors you had back then?
(GLOVE) - I started playing eRep I think about two years ago. Rainysunday was one of my mentors, but I had many idols. Max Mcfarland 2, St Krems, Emerick, were some of the big ones.

(e5) - What are your personal opinions on Dutch Marley and Chickensguys, two controversial RLC figures?
(GLOVE) - Dutch Marley is an honest player, I sincerely thinks he hopes the best for the country, and I hope he does everything within his power to keep the nation safe and strong. Chickensguys, well Chickensguys and I have a long history, I was like a mentor to him, and at some point we had a falling out, but we restored our friendship in a professional manner. Chickensguys may be controversial, but he is a good guy for the most part and wants to topple the old controlling regime.

(e5) - What is your opinion of Pfeiffer?
(GLOVE) - Pfeiffer....or fluffy as I call him. A long long time ago, we used to be actually on good terms. Then I realized what I was getting myself into. I do not like his approach to the game at all. He likes to have power and control. He is clever and knows his politics, but if he risks losing his grip on power he will support anyone who will protect his seat. He will do whatever it takes to maintain control, even if that means outright cheating or lying.

(e5) - What are your thoughts on Ajay Bruno?
(GLOVE) - Ajay Bruno, or Pizza the Hutt, or whatever else name he had. Everyone makes him out to be the boogyman, and honestly, it gets old. I don't see him leaving anytime soon and I don't have the patience nor time to go on a wild goose chase after him.

(e5) - How did you pick your cabinet? and how does it compare to Evry’s cabinet?
(GLOVE) - I picked my cabinet based on who I think would be best for the position, and also on who could use the experience. I'm trying to get even more new players involved, but obviously the super important positions should be entrusted with people with knowledge in the field. Evry's cabinet is basically the same people who have been in government since forever.

(e5) - You currently have the support of a lot of small parties, compared to Evry who has the support of 3 of the 4 largest parties, how do you plan to overcome what seems to be a big mismatch?
(GLOVE) - There is a huge hurdle to overcome. You are right, I face 3/5 top partys, and it seems like it will be very difficult to overcome. I am the underdog, but if people truly want change--- a strong, skilled, and confident leader, they will know that the only candidate this election that fits that description is me. Evry has shown no leadership capabilities, his articles have consisted of throwing garbage at me and parading his supporters around.

(e5) - Currently we have NAPs with Spain and Poland, what would you do as President if both countries decided to break the NAPs and try to wipe the US?
(GLOVE) - The NAPs were a failure. Previous governments should have never signed them. Spain's NAP allowed them to retake their country. Poland's NAP allows them to retain domination of Europe. If both countries decide to break their NAPs with us, we will be in a very bad situation. There's little you can do in such a situation, Israel's government couldnt even beat Poland alone, imagine both Spain and Poland assaulting us.

(e5) - In one sentence, why should people vote for you on July 5th?
(GLOVE) - Why people should vote for me: It will disrupt the status quo. You won't have landslide elections anymore, people will no longer be handed the presidency, they will have to prove they are the best to the masses. Under my administration, you will see a return to coordinated campaigns with our allies, instead of the "every country for itself" mentality that has occurred as a result of previous governments. I have the experience, as both a president twice, a TERRA HQ leader, I am known worldwide, I write frequently, I am easy to communicate with, and I always make things interesting.

And there you have it. Now you know a bit more about both candidates. And remember to go vote July 5th!

Also, Hot Chicks just because