CSD and the CPP- A new beginning.

Day 1,390, 09:50 Published in Canada Canada by Ralph Kline

The instability of the political realm in eCanada is amazing.

However, there are really no excuses to be made for human nature. As I see it we all want something and work towards it. In the way of it, is this dirty thing called politics. How do we get what we want? How do we shape our world in co-operation with others? How do we work is a system that is designed to create dissent? Well, we don't actually.

We have monthly elections for Country President, Congress and Party Presidents. While on one hand I understand why game designers made elections monthly so player interest in politics remains high, it also created it's biggest problem.

Just imagine once what real life would be like if our countries had monthly elections! There would be a speedy decent into total anarchy you can be sure!
This is what we are seeing in our world. The population is fragmented in ideas, and the driving chant is change, change ,change. With it some of the worst social behavior, sad to say.
The scenario has created a downward spiral because politically we lack cohesion. This is the result and not the problem, regrettably. The admins must adjust the political module for that. We can only attempt to treat the disease. As follows:

The Canadian Strategic Defense Unit has been a great success. Though the past months we have been the #1 ranked group in the nation and are very influential on the battlefield. The recent game changes have caused me to examine the CSD's purpose. We are defenders of the nation, but no longer just of foreign attack, we need to help protect the nation from itself. This must be done by becoming a united group and using that political capital to help stabilize the government.
In one week, all members of the CSD unit will be required to be active members of the Canadian Paradox Party, on the forums and voting on issues in order to receive supply. All members of the CPP who wish to advance as soldiers and citizens are likewise invited to become members of the CSD.
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