CrowdedHouse points out why Australia should stick with EDEN

Day 1,013, 05:52 Published in Australia Australia by Goose Step

Good Evening eAustralia.

Yes, I'm back as Goose Step and getting involved again because of a disturbing trend over the last 48 hours... the talk of asking assistance from Phoneix.

This shocking thought raised by Bass Junkie and supported by Discrate1 is wrong and they should be told to leave this country for even raising the suggestion.

This dumb political move has allowed Maddog Jones from the eUK to make some clever propaganda to divide this game.

I am also disturbed by Dean Kong making the suggestion that EDEN are ignoring us.

So why are where we are at...

1) The Game Itself.
We all know what dodgy stuff AnD do - I've been shown the evidence, the problem is, becuase we know admin are doing nothing to stop them, it's stopping us from trusting any new players or inviting new players to the game.

2) Laziness of our Government.

Before ANYONE passes the blame to EDEN for not saving us, let's look at our current government.

Where are the regular updates from the Prime Minister or Minister of Public Relation to advise what is happening in this country?

What is the state of our Military - whose in charge and giving orders - where are the orders?

Is there any education happening for new players?


Good government has stopped - that's a key reason why we are going down the toilet.

If we bring back good government, that's active and at leasts has the departments like we use to have before the PTO, we will gain back our spirit and pull together to fight the PTO.

This EDEN is doing nothing excuse is crap. It's just being used by people pushing their own agenda... they see a weak Australia and just want to get control.


Let's remember EDEN has been there for us on the war-front.

When the Phoneix Nation of Indonesia wouldn't give up Western Australia, EDEN liberated it.

When the Phonexi Nation of Brazil attacked us, EDEN came to our aid.

When Indonesia attacked us again... EDEN was there.

When we needed ATOers, EDEN has given us as many citizens as they could (and remember we have a limited number of Citizenships to give out).

Currently other EDEN countries need help, and the resources can only stretch so far.

So why did Croatia get more support in a PTO? Simple, they pack a bigger punch in the military stakes and are in an important strategic position.

It's not that EDEN don't care for us, but you do have to choose your fights, with what fight can win and what is the result of the actions taken.

Plus, something the Phoenix supporters won't tell you, at that time Croatia had OPEN CITIZENSHIP, were we had invite only citizenship... thus Croatia was easier and more critical to do.


Phoenix... they (or when known as PEACE) have allowed us to be in the shadow of Indonesia.

Phoenix has allowed TWO countries to invade us... EDEN has never invaded us.

Phoenix has done NOTHING to save is from the PTO... EDEN has sent ATOers.

Phoenix have not condemned the actions of AnD and cannot control them.

The Phoenix deal is being lead by the eUK... a country that could have left FORTIS and remained Neutral, but instead allowed PEACE to walk on through and invade our bros, the USA and Canada.
Can they be trusted... NO.

Worse, the eUK with Bass has been spreading rumours that EDEN will PTO us.

Australia with EDEN is a strong Australia

Let's face it - we are all fed up with the PTO.

We are looking for a solution... someone to blame.

It's not EDEN we should be blaming... It's our lazy direction-less government.

That is allowing people like Bass Junkie and Discrate1 to create fear and divide the community - seriously... look at yourselves... your agreeing with Discrate1. I was glad when he was booted out of the ERA. He joined and within two weeks wanted to be Party President, when the membership voted against it, he cracked the sads - certainly not a person to listen to.

Australia - you know me. I was the first to say WonderForward could not be trusted - and I was proven to be 100% right.

I am now saying this. Turn your back on Bass Junkie, back Hinokai and let's get a working active government going.

CrowdedHouse (Goose Step)