CrowdedHouse for ERA Party President

Day 932, 00:25 Published in Australia Croatia by CrowdedHouse

Good Afternoon eAustralia and in particular ERA Members.

For the first time in a long-time, I'll be running for Party President of the eRepublik Alliance Party.
The last time I ran was back in December when myself, DA and Danny ran, in essentially was a no campaign race from any of us, because we were all happy with however won. (in the end that would be DA easily).

Since then, I've felt no need to run, as I didn't want the party to be seen as "CrowdedHouse's Party" since I was the most outspoken.

We've had some good Party Presidents and some no-so-good Party Presidents.

However, I now think it's time for me to put my hand up as we face a very important point in the time-line of eAustralian Politics.

eAustralian Political Situation

When I first started playing this game nearly a year ago, the Australian Political scene was fairly easy to judge. There was the Left (ACP/ADSP), the Right (ANP), The Centre (TBP) and the Independents (plus one or two low member parties).

The TBP (True Blue Party) was the first party I joined. Representing the Centre, though there was some good debating between the left and right wings of the party. The Party always had a respectable number of seats in senate and was active.

However, we Corny-Ratbag scaling back his role, the TBP began it's downward spiral. Around the same time the ADSP had a split due to XD backing Patti for re-election at the last second (must to Patti's surprise) and against the wishes of the ADSP Membership.

Out of that we saw the rise of PaPP, ERA and AMP.

There was concern that elites were driving the ERA and AMP, thus more fringe parties started up among newer players.

The situation you can now see, is a weaker ERA. The ADSP is also a shadow of it's former self (PTOed at one stage) and the TBP now dead.

Recent events saw the PaPP PTOed, and now 're-born'.

It's obvious that a number of minor parties share similar goals... a number of active players, but too split to achieve any good... and too many parties to cover to save us from a PTO.

Also, there is now no strong centre party and a PTO group in our Top 5 - something must be done.

If elected Party President of the eRepublik Alliance, I will continue talks with the PaPP and seek out the ANI and other interested parties to discuss a merger.

The merger maybe a ERA take-over of these parties, or a new party formed (with those other members moving to the ERA and a new Party Name chosen).

I will also seek-out the More Beer Party and ask if there are 'active' players in that party wishing to come across and make suggestions to the ADSP that it be split up (Lefties going to the ACP and more centre aligned players joining the new party).

Asking someone to split-up or shut-down their party is never nice, it does effect people's morale, but it's something that must be done.

I believe I am the ideal person to do this, as I was the person responsible for turning the Australian Zombie Party into the Green and Gold Party, then through negotiation handing it over to Patti11 for the eRupublik Alliance to be formed.

The platform for me as Party President (with or without merger) is to reach out for ideas.

We need to start putting more ideas down on paper (IE: in the forum) like we did when I had my proposed cabinet.

We need to advertise for people to run our ERA companies.

We need to find someone who is willing to take over as PR Manager

We need to encourage more active players to join us, like Larni, Bass and Bearclaw

We must find someone who can right !! so we can be easily in contact with all members.

We must find a way to send ourselves or another minor party into the Top 5 to kick out the PTO group come senate election day.

It's a pretty loose platform, but there is not too much anyone can promise until we find our what happen's with merger discussions and how many active players we have ready to assist.

Prime Minister Aspirations

Finally, to make it clear, If I win, I will NOT be putting myself up for Prime Minister in July.

I believe the party should back Sir_c0nstant as per the ANP-AMP deal, though that is up to the democratic right of the party to disagree if they should. (though I think it's 99.9% they'll back SC).

The only way besides this that the ERA will endorse a candidate is if we are a TOP 5 Party and we are asked to 'block' or a political emergency happens (IE: for some reason SC cannot run)

If I do run for Prime Minister, I'll most likely focus on August or September.

Thank you to the ERA Membership, and I hope you vote for me as Party President.
