Crock Crosby wants your Vote in West Virginia

Day 1,249, 21:34 Published in Canada Canada by Crock Industries
Greetings Residents of West Virginia.
I’m Crock Crosby, the CPP candidate for West Virginia. I’ll be honest with you, I don’t have a long political resume. However I think you’ll find that to be a good thing. I don’t have any of the baggage some other candidates carrying with them from previous terms, u know favors owed. As we are all aware congress can not do a whole lot in game. The biggest impact congress will have on your eLife is Tax’s. I know we all hate them and that’s why I’m asking for your vote. I want to push congress to lower the VAT below 10%. With the working managers of today’s eRepublik most of us don’t visit the markets very often and when we do the government is taking to much of hard earned money. That’s my main goal, that’s my only goal.

On April 25th I’m asking for vote, a vote for more money in your pocket

Thanks for your time

Crock CrosbyFuture Congressman for West Virginia
Corporal in CAF 26th Highlanders