Day 776, 09:22 Published in Serbia Serbia by Amen-Ra

Hello again
This time I come with a humble request for help,instead of a suggestion.
As you well know,we eGermans have some serious problems with the ePoles.Their babies,led by hate towords us,have started a major offensive to take what is rigthfully ours.
Formally we have etwa 2000 players but in fact there are 400-500 active players.
The Poles on the other hand have 40.000 players.Every day thousands come and if things continue this way,soon there will be more Poles in the game that in the real Poland 🙂
So we have 40.000 VS 2000.And if that was not enough the croatians have now come there.
I don't know if there is a coordinated action in the croatian army or some players have just decided randomly to come but there is a interesting thing going on.
The battle hero in the battle for Bavaria that is currently happening is a Croat,guy known as PUNK BIBINJE or something like that.I am sure you know him.
I know you folk are not in good relations with your western neighbours,so that is why I am writing this.I want to ask you for your help in this battle cause you know,big SH*Ts are about to happen.
The Spanish from one side,the Poles from another,well you don't have to be a genius to understand that they want to rule the Europe.
If we fall,and we will without your help,the UK and the Netherlands are next.Guys really we need your help,we can't do this alone.
I know that some of you probably don't give a sh*t for Western Europe but once under EDEN dominion,who do you think they will look to fight?
So I ask anyone who has the possibility to fight in Bavaria.