Croatia, help us fix the game and attack Serbia.

Day 901, 12:00 Published in Croatia USA by Sossu
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the game mechanics are again fundamentally flawed.
The President of the United States, Harrison Richardson and his predecessor Woxan have tried to declare war on Serbia for weeks now, but the module ain’t working despite USA and Serbia share a border.

Meanwhile, Serbia is preparing for our attack. They are moving people to Liaoning and encourage their citizens to stack Gold instead of banging Lana. We need to get the game working as soon as possible, so we can throw Serbia from China and cripple them just like we did to Hungary. Helping is easy. Just sign this petition in game forums and eventually we will have our war.

If we attack Hungary and Liaoning at the same time, Phoenix has to choose between them and if they defend Hungary, we will crush them in Liaoning, or vice versa.

Blueprints have been drawn already. All we need is the game to work.
