Critical Times

Day 603, 16:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by AppleMan

I see a tide of unmerited, frivolous criticism in our media right now. This must stop.

Let us use our time and our media to do some good here. The world is crumbling around us gentlemen. A World War is starting and our proud country could easily become swept up by it.

I call upon all of our Government Representatives to be proactive, productive and watchful these next few days. Go out and make as many high ranking friends in as many countries in the world as possible.

No matter whose side we chose, or not at all, Ireland's greatest strength has always been its ability to work with powerful Allies. We have been under Foreign Rule before and I can not bear to see that happen to our country.

As you read this, whoever you are, I call on you to do everything in your power to keep Ireland as the Bastion of Proud Independence in this uncertain new world.