Crisis in The Baltic

Day 509, 22:52 Published in Lithuania USA by Jamarcus

The Baltic States have only just been born and are on the brink of collapse. PEACE has wasted no time in their underhanded attempts to TO all of the Baltic. Indonesia is doing exactly what they did in Singapor and numorous other new and defenceless nations. They seek to takeover the Congress and the Presidency and drain the treasury dry until we are broke. They will then leave us to die or build a base here to launch TO's in other countries. If we some how resist these invaders we will then be subject to the last resort of War. We may be invaded by our far more powerful neigbors.

Latvia is the target this time around. Uncle Sam has withdrawn from the race.Right now in Latvia there is a full fledged political takeover going on. The Movement for Latvia is filled with agents that were associated with PEACE and Indonesia. This presents the greatest security threat to the Baltis States seen yet. The United Democratic Coalition and United Latvia have pledged to work together in order to prevent Movement from Latvia from capturing the presidency.

This is also an opportunity to we in Lithuania to wake up. We need to wake up to the fact that just as the Americans in Latvia are doing everything they can to prevent PEACE from PTO, the Americans in the Lithuanian Freedom Party are here to do the same. Before now Latvia was divided for many of the same reasons Lithuania is divided. Latvia has waken up to their common enemy and have United to face the full force of the PEACE invasion. Lithuania and Estonia have the benifit of learning from Latvia's crisis and must not let the opportunity pass. United we will survive, Divided we will fall.

To the eWorl😛

We need help in the Baltic States. We are in need of companies, soldiers, and supports of freedom. For Americans we have the Lithuanian Freedom Party that welcomes ALL citizens looking to support a free Lithuanian Republic. Open to all people regardless of nationality as we are an international party and a free country. If history has taught us anything it's that new countries cannot resist PEACE on their own. Help the Baltic States as our fate is your fate.