Criminal Code of Canada w/ Criminal Holding Amendment

Day 694, 23:35 Published in Canada Canada by e Fight Club


Canada -Canada is used to describe all territories under the jurisdiction of the Government of Canada. The term Canada and eCanada shall be deemed interchangeable within this document.

President - The President is the head of Government within Canada. The term President and Prime Minister shall be deemed interchangeable within this document.

Congress - Congress is the elected regional representative body within Canada.

Admin - Admin is the controlling body within the game eRepublik. The term Admin and Administrator shall be deemed interchangeable within this document.

Supreme Court – The judicial body within Canada, as defined in Section III of the Canadian Constitution.

Canadian - A citizen of Canada as defined in Section IV of the Constitution of Canada

Forum - The Forum shall be the official eCanada forum. This forum, at time of writing, is located at This location may be changed without affecting the validity of the constitution, or this legislation.

Terrorism – A action directed against a country or a person set to cause fear and harm to people, utilising illicit means.

Section I – Criminal Offences in Canada

1.Any Canadian Citizen can be charged with the following offences:
a) Treason or any other acts directly endangering the country, or exposing it to foreign powers, espionage.
b) Terrorism
c) Blackmail.
d) Wrongful accusation, In this case, the accusation must be extremely aggressive, unprovoked, continuous, and not retracted to be deemed a Criminal Offense.
e) Extreme personal attacks (aggressive behavior, threats and insults) against another player. In this case, the accusations and personal attacks must be extremely aggressive, unprovoked, and continuous, to be deemed a Criminal Offence.
f) Theft of copyrighted property, whereas all property (article, public post or IRC message) is subjected to fair use, all secondary uses must include a mention of the original author. If such a mention is ommitted, a warning should be issued. If the warning does not take effect, such use of copyrighted property is deemed a Criminal Offence.
2. All of the offences stated in Article 1. are subjected to Supreme Court proceedings.
3. All of the offences stated in Article 1. must be committe😛
a) Through eRepublik, including articles and private messages.
b) On the eCanadian IRC.
c) On the eCanadian Forums.
d) On the Official eCanadian Party Forums.

Section II – Criminal Procedures in Canada

4. If a Canadian wishes to accuse someone of the offences stated in Article 1, following the procedure from articles 5-8
5. To accuse someone of the offences stated in Article 1, the accusing Canadian must contact the Minister of Justice.
6. The Minister of Justice collects evidence, and verifies the legality of the act commited by the accused. Exact specifics of investigation techniques and the charges layed are at the discretion of the Ministry of Justice.
7. If the act is considered illegal, falling under one of these offences, or violates any other act approved by Congress, the Minister of Justice starts a Court Case against the defendant, in the Supreme Court section on the eCanadian forums.
8. All following procedures are defined in Section III of the Canadian Constitution.
9. The Supreme Court may resort to applying the following consequences to the defendant:
a) Revoking the Canadian Citizen mask of a Citizen, with the length and methods of regaining citizenships defined in Section IV of the Constitution
b) Revoking Forum access and access to official functions indefinetely.
10. The Defendant may however offer to pay bail, to avoid these consequences, with it's amount set by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, however has the right to deny the offer.
11. Article 10 does not apply to repeat offenders, who will not be allowed to pay bail.

Section III – Presidential Pardon

12. The President may pardon a individual who has been charged with an offence, issuing a executive order.
13. Congress may overthrow the executive order as regulated by the constitution.
14. If the order is not overthrown, the individual regains all his lost rights, however any financial losses are not covered.

Section IV– Additional Regulations

15. No Canadian can be tried for a single illegal act twice, whereas this does not disqualify a new trial for a repeat offense.
16. If a act deemed illegal by the Criminal Code, however not illegal by any other act approved by Congress, is commited before the date of approval of this act, the defendant cannot be charge on the basis of the Criminal Code.
17. In case of this act, and a preceeding act describing two punishments for the same offence, with the offence committed before the approval of the Criminal Code, the more lenient punishment applies.
18. The Criminal Code takes precedence over any previous law regarding all criminal offences, with the exception of the Constitution of Canada
19. All other rights that were not mentioned, are included in Section II of the Canadian Constitution.
20. In an event of this document contradicting the Constitution of Canada in any of it's articles, the Constitution shall take precedence, without affecting the validity of this document.
