Crazy Man is back, with a new record!

Day 801, 12:27 Published in Romania Romania by Boss Da Boss
Hey ppl!

He he he, i'm back, yestarday i've got a permanent ban for an hour and a half...

It was funny at first... I was sleeping at that time, and just then i woke up and tried to get log in on my account, i was sent to the page with Law Infringements, over and over...

After i recived 3 or 4 messages on YM from some friends also on IRC, i realised that i'm permanently banned, then i was very angry, my heart pounds with 10 beats / sec.

It was crazy .. especially on IRC... but now all are ok, i'm safe and unharmed or whatever ... they've cut me welllness tax for this ban. For wellness they cut me a 50% ticket and for friends 101% ticket.... *50 wellness* and *-7 friends*... this tax system will kill us. 😁

The reason was one article from now 3 months ago, "Partidul Democrat. Soc si groaza." ... hehehehe i recived 4.5 FP for that... i think from a romanian admin xD.

But eh, i'm happy now i dont have admin in friends list 😁 and because i beat an new record "Shortest permanent ban!".

So if you was one of my friends you can add me back on your friends list... "add friend".

Good luck for now and dont forget to delete your articles 3 months old.

Background music: Pitbull - Hotel Room Service

Best regards,
Crazy Man.