CPM: Money-market (Day 714) >>NEW AND IMPROVED<<

Day 715, 22:21 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence
A little background on this report. This is an excerpt of a table that I maintain that tracks Local and International exchange rates. I update this when I do my day trading on eRep. Using absolutes, I recommend to make an offer or pass on each currency. The patient approach is if you are willing to make your “International” offer at the international rate and wait for your offer to be digested, this could take days. The urgent approach is if you are willing to undercut the “International” rate by one basis point and move to the top of the list, bear in mind that this dilutes your return.


Well, I'm a little disappointed about getting absolutely no requests for currencies to follow so I am simply going with the nations with the top 10 GDP's in eRep.

I expect questions and WTF's at first so fire away, I'll do my best to answer them.

Shameless Plug
Please watch for my other regular CPM articles:
CPM: Money-market (Daily)
CPM: Commodity and Product Report (Weekly)
CPM: Labour Report (Weekly)
CPM: This Week in the eCanadian Economy (Weekly)
CPM: Company Profile (Weekly)

CPM Top 10 Currencies

At the time of printing this table, there were 8 offers of interest under the patient approach:

Pass on the RUB
Offer 1g for HUF$34.427, collect, offer that sum @ 0.030 for 1.033g.
Offer 1g for GRD$34.883, collect, offer that sum @ 0.029 for 1.012g.
Pass on the USD.
Offer 1g for PLN$40.215, collect, offer that sum @ 0.025 for 1.005g.
Offer 1g for ESP$33.379, collect, offer that sum @ 0.031 for 1.035g.
Offer 1g for LVL$51.289, collect, offer that sum @ 0.020 for 1.026g.
Offer 1g for CAD$34.150, collect, offer that sum @ 0.030 for 1.025g.
Offer 1g for RSD$67.490, collect, offer that sum @ 0.015 for 1.012g.
Offer 1g for IDR$34.238, collect, offer that sum @ 0.030 for 1.027g.

Note that you will have to wait for your offer of gold to clear before you can post your offer of currency, but indue time, you will collect that gold. Note that you CANNOT LOSE gold in this. You may end up stuck with some currency that you'd rather not have but it can be converted back to gold without a gain quite readily.

There were no offers of interest under the urgent approach.

CPM Opportunity Fund

Maybe you've been browsing through my money-market articles and you still just don't get it, yet you still want to take advantage. Well, today I am starting a new service. I will manage your money and I'll let you know exactly how your doing right in this article. It does require a leap of faith though, it includes sending me your gold.

Donate your gold to me, I will move it to the opportunity fund after deducting my management fee of 10%. My apologies if you find that offensive but that is my fee. I will send you an investment certificate number, keep this for your reference, I'll have a copy anyways so don't worry if you lose it. I will report how your investment certificate is doing right in this article. I've got two investments to report on today, see the table below.

Note that I also keep 10% of the gains, and losses if any, made on the trading activity. It will take some time for you to get a net gain, not more than two weeks I figure, and after that you are in the black.

I am not going to disclose names nor balance of what people have invested, discretion is assured.

I also am not going to disclose what investments I have outstanding or what my put and call prices are.

You will get the benefit of pooled investments and I'll get the benefit of only having to manage one account whereas I'm managing three now. Please note the "cash-out" column. This will be what you can cash out your investment at. There is some fine print as this is a very close approximation of the amount but it may vary slightly because some of that "gold" is actually a variety of currencies converted to gold which could change during the liquidation process.

Here is how the fund is doing after one day.

I'm not going to do bona fide eRep contracts, you either trust me or you don't.

I will no longer be reporting the Money-market the old way, this is the new and improved method.

Who's your daddy? Addy's your daddy!!!