CP Update - A Great Day for Ireland

Day 1,059, 13:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Connell

Today is a great day for eIreland. Over the last 24 hours some members of the community to which we all belong showed themselves to be great eIrish citizens and because of our citizens recent achievements eIreland has had a great day.

Yesterday evening when I logged on, I was very angry because there was no war. I was determined that there would be war and at 11:45am erepublik time we decided with only one person organised to fight for a BH medal, that in 30 minutes the button would be pressed and the Connecticut resistance war would begin.

From that moment orgs started being filled with food, articles started being written, messages being sent and so from half an hour before the war began there were enough experienced soldiers and volunteers to ensure that for the next 16 hours, people who needed to be supplied were supplied and that the right people, at the right time were ready to fight for the Battle Hero medals.

IDF or ICA, it didn’t matter as everyone worked for Ireland together. That is a fantastic showing of comradery, hardwork, character and intuitiveness which is absolutely fantastic! So I applaud all involved. It was tough, but the result made it worth it as the war turned out to be a great success.

An Answer, but Lots More Questions
We can now update you on occurrences of the latest Banc Ceannais article. The article claims that they paid Kavrocks 5 gold for access to government orgs. It’s a bit of a silly proposition, especially considering that there was in excess of 5gold in the bank on the last two times it was hijacked. On each occasion the email + the Passwords were changed, in this most recent hijacking only one person actually had the Password to the org. That was Kolshire, so the bottom line is that the org was hacked on this occasion at least.

Footage of Suspected eUK hacker

As a country we are left defenceless against this type of hacking and we can only hope that the admins listen to the problems with their security. The situation is surreal.

In closing I want congratulate all our new BH winners. One thing in particular which I found was quite astonishing, Nitraldur eIreland’s number two ranked citizen won his first BH medal yesterday. Two and a half years in the making, 3 Country Presidencies, 13 time congressman, 17 times HardWorker, 5 time Super Soldier and now 1 time Battle Hero.

Congratulations Nith and well done to all BattleHero winners XD