CP Entry - What makes eRepublik work as a good game? [QN]

Day 490, 13:31 Published in Canada Canada by hawkerhunter07
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What makes eRepublik a good game? What makes it different from other MMOGs? What makes it so addictive?

The Quick News has conducted a small survey, and came to a conclusion. Here are the top 5 things that make eRepublik so special:

5. The eRepublik Wiki:
eRepublik is not an easy game to learn. But the eRepublik Wiki helps new citizens to learn the basics of the game, and get more involved. It also helps experienced players in the search for information. It is just like the Real Life Wikipedia, but for eRepublik. Citizens can post their biographies, accomplishments, etc. This makes eRepublik realistic.

4. Thinking & Strategy:
eRepublik involves writing political platforms, economic reforms, planning military operations, and takeovers. From creating companies in the right regions, and employing the right number of workers at the right salaries, to planning profits - Erepublik requires you to think!

3. Newspapers:
This feature is not available in other MMOGs. The newspapers allow citizens to show their opinions, post their platforms, and become more popular.

2. Realism
eRepublik is close to reality. You become a citizen who eats, works and trains. Then there are the Party, Congressional and Presidential Elections! You may even end up on the Supreme Court (and hopefully not in front it!). Even economic principles can be applied in eRepublik. Finally there's war, where eCountries try to conquer new regions to become the most powerful.

1. Community
eRepublik requires a lot of Social Interaction. Citizens meet in forums and IRC, talk about eRepublik, joke… It forms friendships between people. You have never seen the person you’re talking to, but you talk to him on IRC like he has been your friend forever. Also, the citizens are very helpful and friendly. They advise new citizens and involve them in the game. And that’s the most important feature in eRepublik.

Let’s not forget the frequent bugs and glitches, and our Supreme Overlord, “Capt’n Jack Sparrow” Augustus Baldwin, which contribute in making this online game unique.

Thank you


PS: Have a different Top 5 list? Share it with the Quick News: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=cHVzLU5xdEFWSXM0bGpHeWw1Smc3UVE6MA..

(Sorry I didn't post the French Version, I didn't have time to / Desole de ne pas avoir publie la version francaise, je n'ai pas eu le temps de la faire)