CP Entry: Media - The Heart and Soul of eRepublik.

Day 490, 09:28 Published in Canada Canada by vincent chaotic

Within this game we so love, there are multiple avenues of opportunity for us, the loyal valued players. We can become employees of large organizations, owners of the means of production, vicious fighters who instil fear upon the battlefield merely by our presence, national leaders to ponder and guide our nation’s fate, or media magnates of national notoriety. But it is the writers of eRepublik which make this game so wonderful, for while the workers and employers make up our wallet, the soldier our fist, and the politician our mind; it is the Writers who make up eRepubliks soul.

Employers, Workers, and Soldiers are all contained by the limitations of the game itself, providing us with the basics to survive and have a little bit of fun at random intervals. A personal touch may be added in the name of a company, or in the tactics of a military commander, but you can only go so far. Politicians too are limited by the in game restrictions, though many have taken initiatives in crafting criminal codes, constitutions, or even dictatorships. But none compare to the initiative taken within the media.

Media moguls would appear to have the greatest limitation: All they can do is post articles, but in this small inch granted by the Admins, players are free to let their imaginations carry themselves away. Each and every facet of eRepublik life has been impacted by the media. The endorsement of a powerful media baron can sink or float any political campaign. The investigative reporting of our journalists can bring down lofty corporations with the proof of corruption or disgrace. The newspapers of our nation can stir up a patriotic fury in wartime, or end a conflict with the sword of public opinion. The media can be a source of humour, fact, fiction, or anything else you desire. Freedom of speech is freedom of thought, and without speech, without the medium to mass communicate with our fellow players, we find ourselves locked in Plato’s cave, shadows interacting with shadows.


- Vincent Chaotic