CP Elections Campaign

Day 2,171, 15:22 Published in South Africa USA by Grimstone

Hi South Africa,

CP elections are upon us and we as a nation need to act, breathe and focus as ONE. More importantly guide eSA off the path of destruction and forward to growth and prosperity.

eSA as a whole face many dreadful trials. We face a PTO, we face lack of activity and we face a broken economic module. I mention the broken economic module as we cannot do much about it, The other two we can definitely do something about.

PTO: We need to be focused, alert, united to show our true strengths which I know exist from within this community.

Activity: We need Stamina, commitment, will, and fortitude. Be willing to go the extra mile and make more efforts about our presence in game and on the forums

The two set out above is achievable when utilised in correlation with one another.

We set some goals, we make some plans and we work together to achieve them. No single person can make it happen. WE all can make it happen.

I'll need all the help I can get. I cannot do this on my own.

I am happy to announce that I will be entering the CP race this coming elections. Thanks to the Idependent Alternative for allowing me to run under their banner.

we need strong and dedicated leadership to lead our country. I would like to offer myself as your next Country President and, together with my team of both new and experienced players, provide the leadership required to rebuild our nation and our stability.

eSouth Africa has been down this path many times before and we have come out of it stronger each time. We face a political threat and we as a nation need to come together and work as a team in order to overcome adversity. This coming term the potential Grimstone administration team will be working hard to restore purpose in eSA.

If we fail to unite, we don't fail each other we fail eSA!

We will Stand Proud, We Will fight a common enemy and we will succeed together. The power to achieve this is in our hands.

I Grimstone, Ask for eSouth Africa's support in this presidential run. I have led eSA in these tough situations many times and have the expertise needed to make a difference in eSA.

I will be taking potential cabinet applications, should we win the election, we could start right away. I will also be contacting some citizens to join our potential administration.

I ask that you show it by voting Grimstone on 5th Novermber 2013.

Onward and forward in Unity and Solidarity

Vote Grimstone on the 5th of November